I heard about it on the drive in to work today.. how sad. I can't imagine the trauma the parents have gone through and now the grieving. Just horrible.
Another sad day
by Been there 21 Replies latest jw friends
Mug is as good as dead... Florida has the death penalty.
franklin J
I have a 12 year old daughter and this case was difficult to hear.
My sympathies go out to her poor mother and father. There cannot possibly be any comfort.
My wife and I have lectured my daughter continually about strangers. And particularly take note of the video surveillance, as I told my daughter, this girl was old enough to know to be aware of strangers. She did not seem to resist him and one wonders what he told her to be so convincing. STAY AWAY from strangers and stay where there are people. We do not want to be over protective but feel we must educate her about the real world. Despite trying to shelter them from this type of thing, they must grow up and learn.
As parents, we do not want our kids to be neurotic about life, or there fellow human beings. However, they must be made aware at some reasonable age that there really are forces out there in life that can and do mean them harm. It is fine line to define.
This man should be given over to the "angry" public for humiliation and public execution for his heinous crime, as should every child abductor and murder.
I also mourn for his wife and children as their lives will also never be the same. They are also victims.
I would string the perpetrator up by the testicles in public -- TRAGIC -- what the parents are going through I can not even begin to imagine
The offender had a long history of criminal activity. Why was he still walking the streets? Also, I was shocked to learn he is the father of three himself.
Why did she walk away with him? I saw the video and wondered why she didn't scream out. It appeared as though he was moving towards her to ask her something, and then she moved towards him. He got next to her, took her arm and they were gone. Now she is dead.
The predators are out there. They know how to catch their prey, and they are good at it. We must teach our children to fear them. She was such a pretty little girl, just beginning to bud. I have relatives in Sarasota and Bradenton and I know they must be gathering their young close now. No parent should ever have to face such horror. My heart goes out to her family.
Why did she walk away with him? I saw the video and wondered why she didn't scream out
Unfortunatly many children do not have self will... I was like that as a kid. It took me years to learn that I had the right to refuse someone. -
I read in the article that the perp had tried to kidnap a woman a few years ago and he told her that he had a knife and would kill her if she didn't go with him. In the video with Carlie, I saw his right hand go for his pocket as his left hand reached for her, so he was probably telling her the same thing. It's hard to make a snap decision on the right thing to do, and maybe her brain just froze for that heart-stopping split second when she should have lashed out, screamed and run like crazy. And then the moment of opportunity for her was gone.
I am so very sorry for her. If there is an afterlife, she has a lovely 77-year-old grandmother from Texas for company. Laura Lee Crane was abducted last week on her way to a supermarket, and her body was found just over border in Oklahoma. Her two murderers are in custody (they were caught in her car on a routine traffic stop in Oklahoma City and confessed -- they look like real scumbuckets).
So how can we get these three people extradited to Russia? I like their view of capital punishment!
My dad is an ex-cop. He said that even if threatened with a knife or gun, tell them you are not going with them. Scream, yell, pull, run........do what you can to get away in the first place because the 2nd crime scene usually means death. At least on the street she had a chance for someone to see her.
Like Dad said, even if they stab you, you probably will live. They probably won't shoot you in plain view ...........they'll probably just go get another victim, but if they get you to the next spot you are tortured and victimized for sure.
My dad is an ex-cop. He said that even if threatened with a knife or gun, tell them you are not going with them. Scream, yell, pull, run........do what you can to get away in the first place because the 2nd crime scene usually means death. At least on the street she had a chance for someone to see her.
I remember Oprah did a show on this. They basically said the same thing. If you go with them to the next stop, you will more than likely be killed so do everything in your power to stop them, regardless of what they say or threaten.
This breaks my heart. I saw the mother pleading for her daughter on the news the other day. It was so sad and now this.
Ok, they had this guy on tape kidnapping the girl. He would'nt co-operate. We need the option to torture the suspect in those instances.