A candidate for the US Senate in Illinois, a Republican, is advocating a limit on the amount a person can sue for medical malpractice. This limit would be $250,000. Okay, that may be a good idea. Health costs might lower for everyone if we put limits on malpractice suits. But this same politician sued the Chicago Tribune for $100,000,000 recently for "inaccurate" reporting on his campaign. I'm sorry, but that's extraordinarily inconsistant -- to the point of being hypocritical.
Bill Clinton in his 1992 campaign promised to make sure NAFTA would have provisions protecting the interests of labor. He waffled and signed the agreement without these provisions. (Some say he was the greatest Republican president we ever had!) And we all know the sordid lies and obfuscations regarding his sex life. Yes, Slick Willy was a liar and a hypocrite -- just like our current president.
Democrats. Republicans. It makes no difference. Loyalty to either party is a sick joke.