When Was The Last Time You Prayed?
by minimus 55 Replies latest jw friends
Good question, Min.
Yesterday, i thanked a parsnip, just before i ate it.
A few months back..but I prayed to be free.
Now when I pray I say things like ..Thank you for the Big Mac please let me feel this good even after it reaches my stomach...never happens though.
It's been so long I cannot even remember. Even when I did it was not "real" because my dub mom insisted on it. I don't think I have ever said a real prayer.
It's been a while since I said a prayer that I actually thought was making its way telepathically to some supernatural spirit being, at least two years. After I stopped believing, that I did say a few fake ones to keep up appearances including a few at the bookstudy and at least one from the platform at the KH.
Last night before going to bed. A very modest one I might add.
My last prayer before that was months ago.
It becomes almost impossible to pray and criticize at the same time.
Well if you include saying a blessing on food -at dinner last night with my wife
12.00 noon today. & you were on my list. All the unbelievers on here.( smile) Hey you stop that stone throwing.....Mamma dont allow that in here :)
Well, the parsnip grew. I thought that was kind of special. I mean, it could have decided not to grow, and then it would have been another parsnip that got eaten in it's place. Unless, all parsnips decided, all at the same time not to grow. Then what would we do? Pray to the great parsnip god? Nah, just eat carrots instead.
SS serving the vegetable god