little witch:
On the converse, many customers are domineering, bitchy, short tempered and rude. After 8 hours of bs, I can understand how many clerks become robotic.
This is SO true. There are also good and kind people out there, but they are not as numerous.
Looking back, I wish that I'd gotten my degree in chemistry or went to Antacrtica to do research as my personality makeup is more inline with that sort of work.
However, my years of observing people for brief periods of time lead me to an interest in human interactions. It also lead me for a while to not like people in general. I think of my time with Fred Meyer as almost as damagin to me as my time with the JWs.
I do not think I would make a good mental health clinician as I am too sensitive to peoples' emotions.
As for the dumbing down of clerks, I agree. I was only there for the 90's but I saw alot of change. The employers are having a dificult time filling those jobs, yes that may sound odd. The turnover rate is phenominal. New cashiers were getting dumber and dumber. These are also the type of people who think they are smart enough to get away with stealing. It used to just slay me as to how they could think that stealing $100, $1,000, or more and think that they'd not get caught.
I'll stop, as this is not my place to rant about FM.---wanders off talking to self