I hope they dont tax you on that huge Bonanza!!
You have won 32.5 million dollars!!!!!
by morty 26 Replies latest jw friends
Special K
I would spend spend spend... and invest and invest..
and give a bundle to my brother that I love very much and is going through hell with this freakin' religion. I would set him up financially for life.
Special K
What would you buy with all this money? Do you really think you would be happy with this much coin?
First I'd go out and get that dingdong implant I've been wanting....then I'd die my hair black so I looked young, then I'd hang out in front of the womens prison and take the first one who got out and live happily ever after with my little skank whore.
Not really. I'd quit my job first thing......then plan a months vacation in Hawaii where I could think about how to spend my time and dough. I'm sure I could find a spot for it.
Sure I did . Just kidding. We only won a free ticket with encore. What a bummer. Someday maybe.
Its great to think what you would do with all that loot. I know we would travel and then we would go into hiding and let a lawyer find us a beautiful small ranch with a log cabin and near water I would prefer the water on our property . Then I would invite everyone here to a huge barbaque and bring your camping gear and prepare to have a feast. With lots of drinks and good food, steaks,lobster, shrimps, alaskan king crabs and all the yummy stuff that goes with it. I would appoint Beans and Valis as the bar tenders. My only hope is that they don't drink alll the beer before everyone arrives.
Seeing how my family have nothing whatsoever to do with me, I would not give them anything. I would help out others who can prove that they are destitude, I would allocate a certain portions of my winnings for that. And the rest I will spend to my hearts desire. We want to buy his and hers HUMMERS. A BOAT only if we lived at the lake. or ocean.
Love to all of you
This is what you would expect at my parties. and tons of the best music and talent that we would listen to all night and day. DO YOU WANT TO COME???????????????? R.S.V.P. ASAP
Lady Lee
First get an accountant
- invest
- establish a centre for abuse recovery that didn't rely on government funding where people could get help for free (they've paid enough)
- give each of my daughter's a sum of money
- establish a trust fund for my grandchildren
- go back to school
- build a home in Ontario near my daughters
- travel to see a whole bunch of you
Guest 77
Today's NY lottery was over a hundred million. What would I do? I would invite all the forum members to one big party at my (others) expense.
Guest 77
ok, How do you think you would handle the media attention???
About 3-4 years ago, my little town had the second biggest prize winner of the super7 lottery...They had won 27.5 million dollars, and I cannot even begin to tell you the horror stories that poor family went through....He lived right next door to us, and the traffic that was down our road was out of this world....( we lived out on a farm on a dirt road, and you would have sworn it was the city)....I dont care what anyone says though, That much money is bound to change anyone....Believe you me, when you win this much money, all your skeletons come out of the closet....Anything is said when the media decides that you are not donating your money to the charity of THEIR choice....ashame it really is, to have that much money, and you cannot enjoy it......
Anyways, most of us dream of winning the big jackpot, figureing it would bring alot of problems to a screaching end, but there are always things that money will not buy....such as your happiness, your life, or the life of a loved one........just something to think about....