well... seems we reached a common ground... I can appreciate a scientific look at the bible, but I must also make the argument that everybody processes information in a different manner, "reality" is differen't for everyone, how I understand a concept and how you understand a concept are very different, or, at the very least, have the potential to be. From how I understand my surroundings Evolution makes more sense than creation, maybe I'm wrong, maybe not. But even still, God is a theory, no matter how much you believe it with all your heart, God is still a theory, if The God Theory was 100% verifiable, I wouldn't be an athiest, and therein Evolution isn't 100% verifiable, no matter that I completely believe it, it's still a theory.
Your right, if I saw an angel I might indeed think differently, But I would also be forced to accept the possibility that I was hallucinating, unless of course the experience was shared mutually with a second party, at which point I would have to accept the experience.
Theres a second point I never could understand: I've been told this by many people, and, now including yourself that athiests are a "must see it to believe it" lot... and, LOL, frankly I don't see the flaw in that at all, what is wrong with waiting for verification on a point through research? so many people I've run across who believe in God get downright offended (and i'm not saying you did at all) by the fact that I don't share their "faith" that there is a "God".
I don't have a problem with a belief in God, just the organisations that take advantage of that belief. There is an exceedingly big difference in the statements "Gods way is the only way" and "I believe God's way is the only way", the former pisses me off, the second I can live with. I never discuss the details of my beliefs except with other Athiests, which is exceedinly rare. Mostly it's because I'm comfortable with them, I don't need validation, I nave no desire to project my beliefs to those around me, their mine, and that should suffice.
I feel often that a lot of people miss the mark, (and myself as well, no matter how well-meaning I am) that the real question is not one of faith, or science or the Bible, but of Ethics.
Ethics are fantastic tools, and they can be utilized by anyone, regardless of religious belief, background, etc etc. Thye are in my view the principles that govern balanced living, the interactions that keep society in individuals running smoothly. Ethics don't require the Bible, I don't need to believe in God or give up my desire for scientific verification in order to be a good guy. (Or at least strive to be, I don't always get it right)