I've been looking for an hour now. Can some of you super finders.........Blondie? anyone? help me find on the internet about child custody for seperated common law (never married) parents. My daughter is in a mess right now. I need to find out what her legal rights are as the mother. Until today they have been sharing her 4 + 3. She lives in Kentucky. Thanks.
Can someone help me find something? Fast!
by Been there 10 Replies latest jw friends
Double Edge
Scheesch Valis.... 4 minutes... I think that's a new research record... congrats
Double E...that's why I get paid the big bucks!...BTW, the check better be in the mail! *LOL*
District Overbeer
Been there
Thanks Valis that was fast!!!!!!!!!!
I'm still not sure what to look under since they are talking about divorce and custody. They were'nt married but lived together for about 6 or 7 years. The child in question is 5.
actually, in any state if the child's mother is seen to be living better the court will automatically grant custody to the mother because the US is a sexually discriminating country =P as long as your living conditions are easier and show to be more beneficial than that of her pappy....
because the US is a sexually discriminating country
or because 99% of the time mothers take better care of their children.
*runnin for cover*
You better run, flower, because women in this country are about 4 times more likely to hit/physically abuse a child. It just does'nt make good news copy.
Of course because most men dont spend enough time with their kids to get annoyed with them. If women are spending most of the time with the kids of course any statistic involving children is going to be lopsided. Thats like saying men are more likely to suffer a sports injury.
or men are more likely to support their family illegally, or men are drug users or alcohol abusers or sex fiends or such....daddy's gonna go out and find a new mommy for the nite =D