Your first time on this forum. What were your thoughts and feelings?

by stuckinarut2 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • DJS

    Since I was out of the Borg for 2 decades before joining this site or any other like it (other than a few months on an ex-JW site around the year 2000), my experience is vastly different. My initial reaction was that I didn't belong here. I was impressed that there were a lot of knowledgeable, intelligent members. I have been surprised by the obsession with all things Borg from those who have been out more than a few years and so many who still want to try to make sense out of prophecies and scriptures. I mean, really, hasn't that ship sailed?

    I also get frustrated (not that you could EVER tell) by those who make definitive, expert-llike statements about things they know little about other than the best confirmationally biased article they can find. And then become entrenched. However, I've noticed that these tendencies have greatly diminished the past few months. Either the rationals are taking over or the irrationals have found a more fertile hunting ground. That includes the conspiracy theorists, who seem to have disappeared. Yay!! Oh, and the haters. They seem to have followed Justin Timberlake's directives: "go ahead be gone with it."

    And WTF is it with the new self appointed governing body members who have a direct conduit to the girl girl in the sky and special knowledge of all scripture??? WTF??? I was totally blown away by these delusional clowns.

    Either way, two thumbs up.

    Otherwise, I believe this site serves a great purpose. Kudos to Simon, who has yet to give me the boot. And I've probably deserved it a few times. I'm working on being a kinder gentler DJS.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    I was literally trembling with nerves and fighting off all the guilt and fear of a born ins cult indoctrination.

    I didnt like all i saw here, some came over as bitter and twisted (probably because they are) others were mentally ill (voice hearers. jesus wannabes, look at me i'm a prophet types) some seemed OTT and unbelievable because that is what it was (six screens of stupidity)... but despite all that, this site gave me access to information way ahead of my kingdumb hall, and then beyond that it gave me access to the information I needed, that i was being lied to, that I was in a mental prison under mind control, that I didnt know how to think as I had never really learned, that my whole life has been shaped by the cult of my birth and that my life was not my own.

    I decided to double check everything and make sure.  I came and went as a lurker for a few years, still sucking it up and trying to make a go of it in da troof, but eventually I knuckled down and did the research.

  • Xanthippe

    I came on here to find out if anything had changed in the Borg after more than 20 years out. I loved the way people laughed at the religion. I associated it with the terrible pain of losing my faith and family but the guys here who make fun of it helped me to lighten up about it which felt great. 

    I was a bit shocked at how rude some people can be to believers when it was not so long ago that they tried to shove a cult down strangers' throats. I suppose it takes all sorts.

  • Rattigan350

    My first thoughts were:  You all are a bunch of stinkin apostates who don't know anything.  I thought the organization was good.


    Now looking back since I've come to see how the organization is, I was the one who didn't know anything.  Wish I had left sooner.   I see so many said that they left in 1995 (1995 is the new 1975) over the generation change.  I wish I did.  I wish the internet was as developed back then

  • KateWild

    When I first came to this site it was a great. I could let off steam about WT articles and answer truthfully how I felt. It really filled a need.

    I found some of the posters a bit harsh and blunt but got used to it. Some were a little wacky too.

    But now it's a place for support and where I find I can support others too.

    Kate xx

  • 20years_to_get_free

    I first came on here to read after my mother started shunning me.  I tried to join on the old site, but could never get on.  

    My husband had said some very insightful things about me still using their language, and having lots of triggers that upset me for reasons I did not understand.  He would begin to probe their teachings with me, and I would get angry and frustrated for no reason.  This made me begin to wonder whether, in 20 years of being out, I had ever really explored it and freed my mind.  I came here and found that I had NOT.  Reading the history of the organization, and losing the fear of apostates and demons and Armageddon was the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me.  I love you all.

  • millie210
    quoting xanthippe: 
    I was a bit shocked at how rude some people can be to believers when it was not so long ago that they tried to shove a cult down strangers' throats. I suppose it takes all sorts.

    That part is still a shock to me. 

    The ones who are harsh do so out of the firm belief that they have found the right place to stand now.

    They are just like the witnesses in that regard, only they dont see it in themselves. 

    Leaving those horrible JWs should have made them kinder, only it hasnt - so maybe they didnt really leave it behind at all - they just switched platforms.

    They do tend to roam the forum in a little group and all comment together, so it makes it a little easier to see where to avoid. 

  • flipper

    STUCKINARUT-  Good thread , thanks for posting it. Yeah- I too felt really a sense of comfort and relief once I joined the board and started chiming in to see that many here had experienced injustices like I did as a Witness and had similar treatment.

     At first I had been out about three and a half years when my wife Mrs. Flipper came on here and she invited me to look into the board. I was reluctant at first as I was thoroughly DONE with everything JW and didn't want to get involved. But once I got on board here I found friends that have become dear to me on this board and I've learned so much that I didn't know at first about TTATT . So it's been a great experience and I enjoy helping others to move on in life after the JW experience just like others have assisted me ! It's a " pay it forward " thing I truly believe 

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    This board helped save my sanity. I truly thought I was going crazy as I felt so alone in the world. I was a born in and it was all I knew. I had no friends outside of the religion nor family and I had  no true friends inside of it, nor family.

    Flipper and Mrs Flipper are the first people who reached out to me and I will always feel indebted to them. They are wonderful people and they mean the world to me. They are my true friends. I can never thank them enough for all the help they have given me, and I would never have met them without this board.

    I am just so glad for this place.


  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience
    I was scared and nervous! I had never ever searched for "spiritual" questions and answers online. Nothing outside of what the WTBTS provided. And I knew this site just had to be apostate!But I couldn't help but notice a ring of truth relating to exactly how I felt. And I couldn't talk to anyone else about my thoughts and feelings. Despite those initial feelings I continued to read.Then I created an account and here I am!

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