Since I was out of the Borg for 2 decades before joining this site or any other like it (other than a few months on an ex-JW site around the year 2000), my experience is vastly different. My initial reaction was that I didn't belong here. I was impressed that there were a lot of knowledgeable, intelligent members. I have been surprised by the obsession with all things Borg from those who have been out more than a few years and so many who still want to try to make sense out of prophecies and scriptures. I mean, really, hasn't that ship sailed?
I also get frustrated (not that you could EVER tell) by those who make definitive, expert-llike statements about things they know little about other than the best confirmationally biased article they can find. And then become entrenched. However, I've noticed that these tendencies have greatly diminished the past few months. Either the rationals are taking over or the irrationals have found a more fertile hunting ground. That includes the conspiracy theorists, who seem to have disappeared. Yay!! Oh, and the haters. They seem to have followed Justin Timberlake's directives: "go ahead be gone with it."
And WTF is it with the new self appointed governing body members who have a direct conduit to the girl girl in the sky and special knowledge of all scripture??? WTF??? I was totally blown away by these delusional clowns.
Either way, two thumbs up.
Otherwise, I believe this site serves a great purpose. Kudos to Simon, who has yet to give me the boot. And I've probably deserved it a few times. I'm working on being a kinder gentler DJS.