Why is it that if a man passes by at the mall or grocery store toting a baby or little kids along gets all kinds of admiring looks from strangers? Especially if he puts the kid in one of those baby pouch thingys....geez he may as well be a GOD. If he has toddlers and they are acting up its not his fault hes doing the best he can after all. He cant be expected to keep up with them AND make them behave too!
Meanwhile about a hundred women have passed by with babies and kids and no one takes a second glance unless one of the kids is making too much noise or acting out...then she is a bad mom and her kid is a brat!
Talk about double standards. Men get extra credit for doing things that women do thousands of times without even thinking.
Hey, I can sit around and watch sports, drink beer and make gross noises too. Do I get extra credit for that? NO.
I like men, i really do! but gimme a break with the superdad crap. just cause a guy can change a diaper I'm supposed to be impressed? I can change my oil or tire and I play football with my kid every weekend.
So there.
Three cheers for super moms AND dads!