I'm wondering wether or not non-witness friends or relatives are welcome at, or invited to a baptism??
Baptism Protocol
by Sargon 11 Replies latest jw experiences
They are usually at assemblies, so yeah, they are open to the public
I'm basically wondering how it would be looked upon if I were to show up at a relatives baptism since I'm a known apostate and haven't been to a meeting in 27 years.
Hi Sargon.
The only public KH activities that I know of that have ever been prohibited to DFd people or apostates is that they are not to be served the Memorial emblems, and they are not (unless on track for reinstatement) allowed to attend book study at private homes.
*** km 11/74 p. 4 Question Box ***
In view of our understanding of 2 John 9-11 as discussed in The Watchtower of August 1, 1974, would there ever be circumstances that would allow for a disfellowshipped person to attend a meeting held in a private home?
Generally speaking, disfellowshipped persons are not invited to meetings held in private homes. The Organization book (page 174) said: "A disfellowshipped person is not prohibited from attending meetings in the Kingdom Hall open to the general public as long as he conducts himself properly. None will greet him, of course, and he may not attend any meetings held in private homes." This is true concerning those who are ?pushing ahead? and do not "remain in the teaching of the Christ."...
Where the only meeting held in a private home is the book study, a disfellowshipped person would not be invited to attend but he may attend meetings held at the Kingdom Hall.
*** w56 6/15 p. 383 Questions from Readers ***
A disfellowshiped person is no member of Jehovah?s congregation and may not be served the emblems by those serving at the celebration of the Lord?s evening meal.
The WTS would face serious legal problems if they selectively excluded DFd or apostates from what are otherwise open-to-the-public gatherings.
Of course, you'll very likely have a few holes bored through your head by disapproving stares.
edit to add: Maybe add commenting at meetings and field service to that list, though those are not necessarily functions that could be unequivocally characterized as 'open to the general public.'
Thanks onacruse. There'd be more than holes bored if certain people attended this event. I could smell the bridges burning.
why don't you just talk them out of being baptized =D its actually easier than it sounds
No doubt the borg would not like your precense there if you are actively attempting to dissuade anyone from being a JW. But if it is a public meeting or convention, they cannot bar you from being present.
My question would be, how would the relative or friend take it? Baptism is a very serious step for an individual--a very significant time of joy for them. Personally, I wouldn't wish to cause a turmoil of emotions and try to trip up someone elses faith or belief system. If they are happy doing what they are doing, the bottom line is that it's their choice.
Would you go simply out of "curiosity"? Would you go to see how you might be treated? Just wondering.
I recommend you come dressed in jeans and polo shirt, with a BIG CAMERA around your neck. This is a momentous event, after all, and one should dress the part. Save seats in the front row for all your friends, and holler Amen at the speakers' pithy illustrations.
They certainly are. I had my sister and then "sister in law" at mine and they were not the slightest bit interested in the troof. They just wanted to see how I was going to be baptised and wanted to show that the family was interested in what I was doing. Invite anyone you want to!
To answer the original question, yes. when i got baptised my not believing parents came. I think under normal curcumstances it would be seen as a "good witness" to invite people who would otherwise be unlikely to attend a meeting.
In this case however, I am with sentinel. I wonder why you are considering going. my personal opinion is that we need to respect peoples choises. I would never activley try to interfere with some one else's faith, as I would not want anyone to interfere with mine. I think it is better to respectfully stay away.
If however your intention is just to quitely observe, and the person getting baptised wants you there, I see no reson why you shouldn't go.