What album make you feel better?

by Nosferatu 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    Is there a certain album that you own that just makes you feel a hell of a lot better? For me, it's Cinderella's "Still Climbing" album. It's about life in general, about how it sucks, but you gotta make it work for yourself. The whole album's like that. My favorite line is in the song "All Comes Down":

    Now the rain's pissing down and a storm is in sight,
    When the shit hits the fan, you've gotta stick to the fight

    So, what album just "does it" for you?

  • Fe2O3Girl

    Static and Silence / The Sundays

    particularly Folk Song, When I'm thinking about you and Monochrome.

    I am also really enjoying Retrospective: The Best of Suzanne Vega

    particularly Caramel, Small Blue Thing and Rosemary.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    oh yes....

    Philip Glass. ( New Age Music) I am not allowed to listen to him in the house--my wife is not a fan. His album "Songs from Liquid Days" from 1985 transports me to another time and place. Most of his older recordings are difficult to come by. His music is definately mood altering.

    His cassete tapes of Mishima, 1000 Aeroplanes on the roof, and The Photographer, I listened to until I wore them out. Unfortunately I cannot replace them.

  • stillajwexelder

    Most Phil Collins stuff -- but especially both sides of the story

  • CaptainSchmideo

    Abbey Road, by the Beatles

    Expecially side 2. Its the best farewell concert any band ever gave.

    "...and in The End, the love you take is equal to the love you make."

  • Badger

    Out of Time by REM...never fails to pick me up....

    I Get Wet by Andrew WK...Pumps me up...Howard Dean would like this guy.

    Shepherd Moons by Enya...Yeah, Enya. I guess that makes me a suburban twit at heart.

  • TresHappy

    Music by the Carpenters!

  • joannadandy
  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    Anything from Cypress Hills makes me feel good, especially their first albums.

    I love "whaddya know", it makes me fantasize about someone in Bethel who really ruined my life.

  • bisous

    Well, during my interment in the JW religion (as a teen) I used to play Carole King's Tapestry a lot ... and sometimes to help gain courage to face another day I would crank up "Beautiful As You Feel"....

    I now have the CD and play it in the car or wherever....

    Also Sheryl Crow's Tuesday Night Music Club, anything by Django Reinhardt or Edith Piaf (close my eyes, I'm in Paris)...tons of R&B (EWF, Spinners, Parliament), lots of alternative, Pink, Beyonce, Stevie Wonder, Motown, Patsy Cline, Miles Davis, Smash Mouth, TOM PETTY (YEAH)

    well on and on and on and on.................................

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