What's So Wrong With Telephone Sex?......Young People Ask....

by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Truth2Me

    At one point I had had a JW boyfriend, he was raised in the Truth (I was not) and we had phone sex....and my conscious kicked in and I confessed to a sister. She was a lot older than me, and had been a Witness for many years, though she had not grown up a JW.

    She didn't say anything to our elders, but she did tell me not to talk to the elders because "it this gets back to the brothers it will go all the way up to the Governing Body, there's no presedent for this!" (I couldn't find anything on the CD-Rom about it myself.) I guess I must not have been the only one, only took a couple of years for an article to come out on it!

    Long story, but I did end up having to go before my elders, though my friend had nothing to do with it. It was really embarrassing. Ended up getting privately reproved (more than just the phone stuff was involved,) lost all my privledges for awile.

  • kat2u

    I have always thought that getting paid well to be a phone sex operator would be fun.

  • minimus

    In my best Beavis and Butthead imitation, "Uhhhhhhhhhh Hey Bebay. Like Howz it goin"? So you wanna say something to me, huh bebay?"

  • kat2u


  • wednesday

    hey, can't u get busted for that, and cybering? Seriously doubt any JWs that do that will be confessing.

    But xjwb12 is rikjght, dirty old men who just want to listen to discussion of sex. that is of course "oral" sex for them.

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