I've heard on a couple of occasions that it was a frequent practice in bible times for people to use hemp oil. Has anyone else heard this take on the bible before? Is there a way to prove whether its true or not?
Did Jesus or other bibical figures use marijuana?
by Leander 23 Replies latest jw friends
well iono about Jesus, but my Indian ancestors used what my teachers called "tobacco". but in reality, they were trying to hide the fact that the Native Americans were potheads. Thats why they called it a peace pipe because marijuana calms you down, whereas tobacco gets you wound up (i think). but then again, the indians had totally different beliefs. i need to start studying up again on my ancestors and their beliefs...
El blanko
I think it is "highly unlikely" to be honest. I read a lot of information on "pro-cannabis" sites and they insisted that Moses & the Priests were using a substance called Kaneh Bosem:
- which they insist translates as Cannabis!?!. I think it is simply a matter of idle speculation to believe that the nation and indeed Jesus were a group of "stoners".
The argument is put forward to enable the user to feel that they have the divine right to get out their tree!
It is a well known fact of course that those who moved & worshipped amongst the Pagan nations regularly used psychoactive substances within various ritiuals to help suspend the mind in a trance like state and enable amongst other features, possession and vision quests.
I used Cannabis for a very long time myself and whilst finding the effects pleasant at times, I knew that I was effecting my health (smoking) and I do believe that with extended use, it does effect mental health as well. Inducing a subtle level of paranoia to the sensitive mind. I ended up using the substance in tea form, which was extremely intense at high doses and eventually encouraged me to cease the practise.
In my opinion now, it is not necessary to use any substance to the point of completely losing yourself and your own identity. I understand why people become users though and I respect those who make the decision to quit and make a stand for purity of flesh.
A refined and weaker strain of the plant may have uses within the field of medicine though. Up until 1937 it was used as an aid within the field of psychiatry !!
A friend of mine still uses the stuff and what he is buying now is REALLY strong Skunk (according to his report). It has obviously been modified using a high THC yield process, probably GM.
Basically, if you can do without the stuff - please do!
I dont know about Cannabis, however there is that passage in Genesis where Jacob's wife (was is Rebekkah or Rachel?) purchases Mandrakes for her husband. Mandrakes are known Hallucinogens.
Oddly enough this occurs shortly before the incident where Jacob climbs a ladder into heaven and talks to God.
franklin J
Some of those prophesies ( Ezekiel) and the book of Revelation sure sound like a drug induced hallucinations to me.
I would not be surprised....
Satans little helper
Revelations was more like a serious acid trip with some pretty good shrooms chucked in for good measure. He would have been too chilled out to come up with all that fire and brimstone stuff if he was stoned
Dusty, not sure what tribe you are from..............or are referring to, but, I had a girlfriend, who was a Channupa Carrier, and she was trained by a Sioux Medicine Man, and I smoked the Channuppa with her at least two or three times, in ceremony, and it WAS NOT weed. She told me what the traditional mix is, red willow bark, and that's what we smoked..........now, I've also smoked Kinnick Kinnick, and that also is non-narcotic. Mind sharing what tribe(s) you were talking about?
I seem to remember Stephen getting stoned.
I seem to remember Stephen getting stoned.
ROFLMFAO. Now, that's funny.
Jesus was high all the time