Here's one to get yall started:
Jdub eagerly anticipating the proper food at the proper time......
by Frannie Banannie 60 Replies latest jw friends
Here's one to get yall started:
Jdub eagerly anticipating the proper food at the proper time......
Pretty much explains itself.
oooooooooooooooo, GOOD one, ColdRedRain!
Governing THAT'S a "can" of worms!
ROFL, xjwB12!!!
WTS warning Harm-a-gettin' is just around the corner!
Several years ago, we had a Gary Burbank TV special. They had JW parodies, among them:
"Jehovah's Witness Protection Program"
and "Teenage Mutant Nin-Jehovah's Witnesses"
"Jehovah's Witness Protection Program"and "Teenage Mutant Nin-Jehovah's Witnesses"
LOL, Brian! I think Sassy and some others here on JWD are in the JWitness Protection Program...heheheh
Field Service.......
Welcome to your JC. Hope the elders don't have an axe to grind...
An infant JW contemplating his life in the WT - it sucks!
Satan reacting to WTS's latest "end time" prediction....