JW literature table on campus

by asleif_dufansdottir 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    Sounds like they're standing away from the table, hoping someone will freely take a piece of literature, then they could start a bible study. Pretty shitty way to preach the "good news"

    What I would do is get some friends together, each walks by the table one by one, picks up a piece of literature, and throws it in a nearby trash can.

  • willyloman

    On a campus near here, the dubs set up a table about once a month. It's always staffed by people in their 60's or 70's, retirees who have nothing in common with the average student. As a result, they don't get much "action" at their table. Another time, I saw a local church set up a table and pass out bible literature (all of which was just as colorful, well produced, and much more interesting than WTS stuff), and they staffed it with church members who were young, college-aged, attractive kids. One young woman was actually a student at that college.

    I thought: I wonder why they can't get younger JWs to work the table at the local college? Then I realized, young witnesses would rather be caught dead than have to witness to people their own age, particularly if there's a risk they'll see someone they know!

    Just think about that for a minute.

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    Lolly, it is at the University of Alberta, in Edmonton. Unfortunately, as other religious groups are allowed to set up a table sometimes, it would be hard to ban the JWs. As much as they are immoral and unethical, they are not illegal.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Willyloman: I suspect the JW retirees who set up shop at the campus near you are probably not too disappointed at the lack of ``action" at their table; they're content to hang around because it's an easy way to ``get their time in;" in fact, the surest way to deter them would be for some of the students to disturb their reverie with the usual hard questions, if not about JWs in particular, then about creationism, the Bible's inerrancy, etc.

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