Now that you don't practice the religion, is it safe to say that you reject everything that you were taught???
Have You Renounced Everything Jehovah's Witnesses Believe In?
by minimus 62 Replies latest jw friends
Trying to compete with ScoobySnax for questions to ask tonight eh Poll Boy?
Nope! I still don't beleive in hell, trinity, or immortality of the soul.
No. Blindly believing the opposite of everything one was taught is black-and-white thinking.
The JW's often gave the illustration of a drop of poison in a glass of milk. Would you drink the milk? After all there was "good stuff" like Vitamin D and calcium in it. Of course you'd not drink it.
The trick is to recognize exactly what the poison in the JW teaching is. There are certain things they teach (no hellfire, no trinity, love is good) that still make sense to me.
It's just the poisonous TWIST on things, like all the rules and regulations, the shunning, the needless distrust of ALL outsiders, etc., etc. that is so bad. It's mostly the proud attitude that the faithful slave/Governing Body are to be adored and obeyed at every turn, and that they are God's sole representative to mankind. Those things are so false and harmful, they must be renounced by any clear-minded and caring person.
Most JWs I've ever known believed in god and Christ before they became JWs.
I think it might be easier to stop believing in god after leaving the religion simply because of the never-ending ending that?s always just around the corner.
There is waaaaay too much anticipation in the religion.
Actually there are some of the JW doctrins that are fairly consistant with my present beliefs. Most, however, are the product of way too much literalism and conglomerated textual fantasies.
Oh hiya Reborn. It's so good to have you back giving your 2 no cents again. I thought you left this place in a huff before. So nice to get your very important imput, Reboring......Signed Pollboy.
It's so good to have you back giving your 2 no cents again.
Insinuating that my comments are of less worth than yours? Nice try, but I won't bite.
I thought you left this place in a huff before.
Nah. I don't spend as much time around here as I used to, that is a fact. I see hypocritical things happen here, but that is true of all Internet message boards, people are just simply that, human, make mistakes, and have feelings. All the moreso when you consider this is a website specifically oriented to those abused by the Watchtower. But hey, if you want to address facts, you joined this website 7 months after I did and have over 3x as many posts. I mean 9,000 posts? I can see why you would be defensive. You breathe, eat, sleep, and live here.
So nice to get your very important imput, Reboring......Signed Pollboy.
Boring? Others would beg to differ. Your post towards me is flagrantly abusive, when in my original post I was simply teasing. Take my comments and this website a little too seriously eh? Relax, sit back, take a deep breath, log off every now and then, and have a fine glass of wine. I enjoyed your question in this thread which is why I responded to it. Not starting trouble, arguing on a website is not worth it.
Reborn, I thought your comments were meant to be inflammatory. I was just teasing too, then.... Pollboy
LOL no problem at all minimus. Although you and I both know your comments were not simply teasing nor meant to be teasing.
I read the other thread that ScoobySnax started here:
and noted your little competition over asking questions to start threads. I was commenting on that.