I started keeping a diary around October of 2001. I have decided that I will post my diary entries from each day on this site. I will omit some parts that are private, but for the most part it will be printed in its entirely. I hope you enjoy it and feel free to post any comments or suggestions you have. Enjoy.
Diary: Monday, February 9, 2004
by gilwarrior 10 Replies latest jw friends
why don't we change it? to the GilDiaries or something? That way you keep your journal in one thread...continious anyway.
District Overbeer
Monday, February 9, 2004
In the morning I went to work. There were no customers today. I did get a few questions about taxes. There was this one couple that wanted me to do their taxes, but their daughter didn’t have a social security number. It turns out that the couple was immigrants from Senegal and they just came to this country last year. I told them that they needed to go to the nearest IRS building to get an IRS number for their daughter. That could be used instead of a social security number. I also told them how much of a refund they could expect back from the government. After looking their W-2 forms. With the exception of that, my day was rather boring. I spent most of my time at work studying for my History II test and playing Spider Solitaire on the computer. During lunch I went to Barnes and Noble on Westheimer (not one near the Galleria, but further ahead). I flipped through a few books. I was in the film and television section and flipped through an interesting book on British sitcoms. I then left and went back to The Money Stop. No customers came. I left at four thirty and went to San Jacinto and went to my History class. I studied for my History test. Later one of my classmates told me that the test has been postponed for two weeks. Apparently our teacher told this during the second hour of class last week. I had left after the first hour because I was tired. Strangely, the same thin happened today. I was very tired and left during our break. I think I haven’t had enough sleep lately. I came home and made myself two bologna and cheese sandwiches with Doritos. I noted that my sister had rented two movies. I watched part of “Under the Tuscan Sun.” At nine I watched “The Real World / Road Rules Challenge” and had a dessert of vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup. I then watched some more of my movie. At ten I went to bed and listened to “Coast to Coast” on the radio. I dozed off around ten thirty.
houston, texas! i like going to that barnes and noble on westheimer by the galleria when i'm down there. they have a shitload of books that we have never even heard of up here in missouri.
I have decided to post my diary in one long continueous thread so here goes:
Tuesday, January 10, 2004
Nothing much happened today. In the morning I went to my Martial Arts class. We saw this cheesy video that was made in the eighties called "Karate Rock." It was some type of documentary that shows several Martial Arts tournaments. After class I went to work. No customers again today. Man this sucks! I mean it is great to have a job where I don't do much, but as April 15th nears I'm sure I will be swamped with customers. I spent most of my time playing Spider Solitare. Man, I have to get off this game. It is so addictive. After I start playing I have the biggest headache and my brain feels like mush. I suppose it is better to be addicted to this then to something like tobacco or alcohol. Still I must conquer this addiction. I left at four thiry and went to San Jacinto. I went to my Chemistry class. When I went to class I saw Sandy. I didn't talk to her. After she decided not to go out with me I haven't talked to her. I don't think there is anything there. I'll move on. Anyway, we got last week's test back. I got an 83. I was hoping for an A, but the class average was in the 60s so I guess I did OK. After class I went to the Blockbuster on Spencer across from the hospital. I found the movie "Groundhog Day." on DVD. I'm glad I found it, because I have to do a report on it for my film class. I then went home and saw [omited for personal reasons]. I then saw [omited for personal reasons] with Sylvia. I then went on my computer and posted on the ex-JW site. I have also decided to post my diary entries from each day on there. I then went on [omited for personal reasons]. My contract on there expires tomorrow. I just can't take that site anymore. I then saw part of "Groundhog Day." I didn't go to sleep until two in the morning.
Wednesday, February 11, 2004
Wednesday, February 11, 2004
Work was the same. Much to my surprise not only did I not have any customers today, but I also did not have anyone ask me any questions today. At school I took my Accounting test today. I’m not sure how well I did. I hope I did well. Later I went to the computer lab and went on the net. I then came home. Nothing else happened.
Thursday, February 12, 2004
I work up around seven thirty. I took a bath and had my protein shake for breakfast. I then left and went to San Jacinto for my Martial Arts class. I went to the locker room and changed into my Martial Arts outfit. As I walked to my class, I bumped into this girl in my class who I’ve had my eye on. She had her beautiful dark hair tied up in a ponytail and she was wearing this sports bra that showed off her flat little tummy. She also had on this glowing red lipstick that contrasted with her smooth ivory skin. After we said hello to each other she walked away. As she left I let out a sigh. Then the negative voice in my head said, “Forget it kid. You’re not the exciting guy who will sweep her off her feet. You don’t have the confidence that women are looking for.” I then went to my class. Man, I just can’t get into my Martial Arts class. I can’t believe how uncoordinated I am. I think that I have to practice my moves on my own as well. After that I went to work. Well, I didn’t have any costumers today. However, I did have two people who asked me questions. This one woman was interested in my doing her taxes, but she didn’t like the price for me doing her taxes so she turned me down. That’s OK. I spent my time doing my Chemistry problems and playing Spider Solitaire (I just have to quit this) on the computer. I left at four thirty and drove back to school. I arrived at San Jacinto early. I was about to get to my class when I noticed Sandy in the hallway. She was asking me about our pre-lab homework. Pre-lab homework? It turns out that our teacher had given us this assignment, but I wasn’t paying attention, because I didn’t remember our teacher telling us this. Anyway, I had about forty-five minutes and I was able to do my homework. I thanked Sandy for reminding me. I have to say that I am not sure what this means. When we arranged our date she blew me off the day we were supposed to go out. Now she is talking to me again. I don’t get it. What does this mean? Does she like me or did she just want someone to help her with her homework? Yeah, probably. Anyway, when class started I turned in my pre-lab work. After that we went to the lab. I was lab partner with these two girls. One of them is heavy set, but she’s cute and seems like a cool girl. The other girl is this beautiful hottie. Anyway, we did our lab. While we were doing our lab they were talking about hanging out at one of the girl’s house. They were talking about going to some dance club on the weekend and all their friends. Man, that is the kind of life I wish I had. Having friends, going out on the weekend, and being outgoing is what I wish I had. I really wanted to hang out with them. Of course two 18 or 19 year old chicks are not going to want to go out with a 30-year-old guy like me. Even if I were the same age as them, they wouldn’t want to go out with me. They were talking about guys while completely ignoring me. They certainly wouldn’t consider me to be dating material. I’m just the guy they say “hello” to, to be polite. (Although the cute little hottie did notice the name of my company on my shirt and asked me if I did taxes. I said that I did. She told me that one time she went to a place to get her taxes done and they offered her a job even though she had no experience. I thought to myself, “Well of course they offered you a job, sweetheart. You’re a hot piece of ass. What company wouldn’t want you working for them.”) I’m I the kind of person who would stir love and romance in a woman? Yeah, right! What a joke! Anyway, after Chemistry class I went home. Before that I went to McDonald’s and got two cheeseburgers, a McChicken, large fries, and two Apple Pies. One is for my sister and the other is for myself. At least food is one of the few pleasures I have in my life. I came home and watched some more of “Groundhog Day” on DVD. Right now I’ll go on the ex-JW site and then I will go to sleep.
Friday, February 13, 2004
Today I was really pissed off. I’m not sure what set me off. I just don’t get it. I am sick and tired of complaining and complaining about everything and nothing changes. Work was crappy as always so there is no need to mention it. Well I did have a few questions that people asked me, but no customers. I didn’t have any customers all week. I spent the morning doing my Chemistry homework and playing some Spider Solitaire. While I was there Eliud called from his job. I was surprised, because I don’t remember him calling me while he is at work. We talked and I told him how I have to stop being a wimp and how you have to be ruthless to survive in this world. Eliud told me that there are some guys at work who don’t socialize and are always just doing their work by themselves. He told me that these are usually the first guys who get fired when there are layoffs at work. It doesn’t matter how much these guys work. The ones who get ahead are the ones who are social and go out of their way to make friends with the boss. Eliud also told me that people like this practice these skills all the time with everyone and I don’t do this. I told him there is a Border’s book near where I work and that I was going to go up to a girl there and just ask her out. He told me to go for it and call him whenever I come back from lunch. After the phone call I did indeed go out to and I went to the Borders bookstore, but I didn’t find any available women. There were mostly old people there. There was this one attractive girl there, but she was with her boyfriend. I decided to try this again next time. I looked around in the library. I did flip through a group of science fiction novels by Philip K. Dick. There were some very interesting books there. There was also another book I found interesting called “Mississippi In Africa.” It was the story of African-Americans who left the United States during the 1820s and founded the nation of Liberia. It also mentioned hostilities between the descendants of the African-Americans who moved to Liberia and the native people who live there. It was a very interesting book. It was very interesting how people who are both Africans hate each other. I went back to work and left at four thirty. I went home, took a bath, got dressed, and called Eliud. We agreed to go out tonight. (I didn’t go to workout with Debi, because I was supposed to meet my fellow students from Film class.) I picked up Eliud at his apartments. We left. I didn’t feel like going to the movies. We drove around the Westheimer area and then came back to the former Compaq center area. We went to the same Ninfa’s that we went to two weeks ago. This time instead of the enchilada dinner, I got the beef fajita dinner with half a pound of beef and melted white cheese on tope of the beef. After the meal Eliud had a smoke outside and we talked about [omited for personal reasons]. We then left and went home. While we went home we were listening to “Coast to Coast.” They were talking about how the pyramids were created and how they couldn’t have been made with just ropes and pulleys. We got back to our side of town. We went to the Barnes and Noble on Fairmont. We went inside. The place closed at eleven and we had fifteen minutes left. Eliud read a copy of the British version of Maxim magazine. Much to my surprise it contained nudity, unlike the US version. We then went to the science fiction section and we each bought two Philip K. Dick books. I got “A Scanner Darkly” and he got this other book that takes place in the future where Japan and Germany won World War II and the United States is jointly controlled by both nations, slavery is once again legal and Jews have to hide or be exterminated. I also bought one of those puzzles where several small pictures are put together to form one large picture. This one had a picture of Homer Simpson. We then left. We then got home and I had a bottle of beer that came from a twelve pack that I bought a few weeks ago. We walked some television. Eliud told me of last week’s Weekend Update on “Saturday Night Live.” He told me that it lasted twenty minutes and there was a skit where they showed some mock tape of Jimmy Fallon competing on “American Idol” and the were making fun of that Asian dude who bombed badly. We then went to sleep around one thirty.
Saturday, February 14, 2004
Well, I had a good day today. I woke up at six thirty. I took a quick bath and then I read some more of Eliud’s conspiracy book. At seven thirty I left and got to school. When I got there I looked at my notes and I realized that we had a mini test today over last week’s notes. Great, I forgot to study again. I then went into the classroom and studied for a while. After class started we did our test. I’m sure I passed, but I have to remember to study. After the test our teacher left us do our film assignment. As it turns out we decided to do our film today. There is too much detail to go through, but I really enjoyed it. I put on my Satan outfit and I had make up on as well. The filming was cool. I was really depressed and this made me feel better. We stopped filming close to noon. I then left and I went to Omnilife and got two cans of my chocolate protein shake mix. I then came home and watched part of “Groundhog Day” while I had a meal of yellow rice and beef that Dad had bought. I then left and went to the bakery at two. The bakery was fine. I took the book “A Scanner Darkly” with me, but I never had a change to read it. There were a lot of people today. Mom came around five to help. I then left at six. I came home. I watched the rest of “Groundhog Day” and then I watched the movie with the director’s commentary. While listening to this I did some more of my Chemistry homework. Time went by really fast. I didn’t go to sleep until one thirty.