Well we had the CO's visit tonight. I can feel myself fading slowly away, i even called up some of my "worldly friends" and i even called up a girl who i had a huge crush on in high school with whom i've lost touch over the years. Why is everybody so chipper when the CO visits? There were people there that i hadn't seen in months but when the CO comes around they're all there smiles on their face, the elders with big grins on thier faces, i'm tired, i feel worn down trying to keep up apperances, playing the fake game. I'm just about ready to throw in the towel, and the good thing is i'm not baptized so i can just wash my hands and walk away, just thought i'd let everybody know
Another JV update
by JV 10 Replies latest jw experiences
Just on another side bar i've got to get off my chest. I could go missing for a month and nobody would give a damn, but if i don't turn in my frigging service report, then they send out the blood hounds looking for you, what's up with that? I'm just a bitter s.o.b. but that's just my two cents worth
Of course you could miss a month's worth of meetings and get away with it. Not because you're a bad person, but because they could give a damm! I am assuming that you're not an elder, elder's wife, ministerial slavant, or faithful pioneer (tm) single sister staying single for the sake of the (*cough*) troof
The sooner that people in the kingdumb halls realize this, the better off they are. You are seeing right through them. Good for you!!!
Just wait until you can find real friends that are there for you, and that don't turn love on and off like a flashlight whenever they want to see.
You will never again think of such hypocrites again in your life, and you will be so much happier! They are doing you a service.
I think that you should go irregular. It was a big step for me, and I'm so glad that I did it. The next step was when I dropped some Majic Mushrooms. After that, there was no way I was going back to beg my way back into that unloving unchristian congregation.
When i read how you feel I understood straight away. I remember when I was 14 and the CO was coming to visit and the elders were dashing round the Kingdom Hall after the meeting looking for people to work with him on the ministry. Nobody was willing. I went up to the Elder and said that I wanted to work with him. I was told I can't because it's Pioneers only and they will only ask me if they need to scrape the bottom of the barrel. The Elder who said this apologised later but already he had said what he really meant. We had 19 Reg. Pioneers and they wanted to pretend we were this super spiritual congregation when behind all that the young ones in the cong were dropping down like flies because nobody cared about them. I know how you feel, it's really depressing to see how these people that you are suppossed to respect and trust can be so fake.
I've been reading your posts and you are clearly walking forward! Now you're seeing your course of action. Congratulations on reconnecting with those in your past. I think you'll find old "worldly" friends more than ready to resume friendships. One step at a time. As you walk forward, you'll feel the weight falling from your shoulders.
There is something about mushrooms (in my case white blotter acid) or, for that matter, weed, that tends to cut the legs out from under any religious argument there is. It's not that those things are the secret of the universe, but try doing them a couple of times and see how far your mind can expand. Then go back in the KH and dumb yourself down again. I bet you wouldn't make it a week.
They hate it even more when they don't care about you and you're no added value to the congregation yet you show up every meeting. Fun fun fun
Ok, so this is the first time I have been to this site and already I fell like I should have been here all along. I feel as though I should grab you and help you get out. It is very tiring keeping up apearances, you don't have to!!! Get out while you can recover your life!!
Gratiana, hello! And a BIG welcome! Hugs to you.
I wish I knew who that "brother" was who spoke to a 14yr. old in his congregation in those vile words. And his phone number.
He actually referred to assigning you to work with the C.O. (or better, "Circuit Manager" as garyb put it : ) ) as scraping the bottom of the barrel???
That speaks volumes, even if he did apologize.
Thanks for the update, JV, and I'm glad you're reconnecting with old friends, too!
The former elders on the forum seem to definitely agree with your take on the C.O.'s visit, from past threads - they too mention a lot of phoniness around that time.
And WELCOME to happy again! Glad you came on board!