So many of us envy you... In a good way!
Wonder if your JW reads here?
by atacrossroads 39 Replies latest jw friends
So many of us envy you... In a good way!
Wonder if your JW reads here?
Wow...he is making great progress. Glad he is removing his head from the sand. Move slow. The ones trying to "connect" with him could possibly pull him back in. Keep him busy (fun things) and be as loving and kind as possible. Others will try to interfere.
Keep us updated on his progress! Hugs!
Such an encouraging thread!
Yes, I reckon MOST spouses of ones who learn TTATT go through a realisation that their loved one must be on to something.
I do not know if this will help you Ata crossroads but if I could relate how my husband handled his leaving it may give a few cues for your husband.
When he decided he was not going back, he took his elder's book and kh keys and went to the meeting. He spoke with the elders and shook their hands and said that he would not be coming to any more meetings. He told them very clearly that he would never discuss his reasons for not attending and that he did not want to receive any visits. He wished them all the best and walked out. End of story. He has kept that stance every time someone has knocked on the door (only three times in 8 years). I think the elders were completely taken aback and had no idea how to handle the situation as my husband was very active, very well liked and one of the most approachable elders they had on the body. I think in the slang terminology they were "gobsmacked"...
So if your husband sticks to his guns, keeps his head level and really is consistent he will come through this. He has the added burden of family to deal with but I think if he is just as adamant with them he just might get the point across that he is in charge of his own life, not them.
All the best to you both xx
Re-reading this thread makes me realize how much I am in the exact same predicament. My hubby hasnt attended the meeting in over a month, he's ignored all elder and family contact trying to reach him and he told me he doesn't want to talk about his reasons for doing so yet. Im sure it was his parents who sent those two elders stalking over to our new place to try to corner him in which they failed to do.
But it makes me wonder if they are pursuing him now because they view me as a spiritual danger to him. He already told me that he still plans on attending the memorial which I wont be going to and I know they will be all over him when he goes. I feel like when he does go they are going to try to grill him and pull him back Into the cult. Im curious to see if my situation is going to play out exactly like yours.
More wonderful news! So many recently have been coming out of the woodwork so to speak and it shows that people are waking up to the facts.
Facts can be dangerous. The internet is allowing people to discover the truth about the truth TTATT as other calls it.
PS I was going to start a new thread about this but last night I was officially disfellowshipped or so they told me. Of course I did not attend nor do I care! It feels like a great burden has been lifted off my shoulders. My husband and I celebrated and since awakening, our relationship has never been better.
XJWs who are able to fade with their spouses are really lucky.
We should never forget that.