So here's a question, where does the bible say God wants you to completely disown a family member for chosing to leave the congregation? Is that the God we have been taught to know? How can they go from door to door trying to save strangers, when infact they don't even talk to there own family?
Shunned by Family
by happyagain 14 Replies latest jw experiences
Thats a good question. The say they have love. Jesus said to "love even our enemies-- but because they DONT know the GOD OF LOVE how can they emulate him????
What's even worse is my father, an elder, has never met either of his only granchildren, my mother, the regular pioneer, hasn't spoken to me in 4 years, my sister, the soon to be bethelite, hasn't spoken to me in 4 years either. How can this be considered Christian behavior?
I completely understand...I have an 8 month old, and a 13 year old. They make no efforts to see them. My parents live in Arizona, and when they come to Chicago to visit friends, they never bother to call, I always here it from the grapevine that they are in town. How can anyone not want to see their own grandchildren?
You know it upsets me to no end. I guess the only bright side to this is they will not ever be subjected to closed mindedness of this religion. I haven't had my family to lean on in a long time, and now being a parent myself, I cannot see how anyone could ever turn their back on their own children. I know I never will.
Welcome to the board, happyagain
If they only applied what they say "by their fruits you will recognize them".
Everyone learns to deal in their own way with their JW families/relatives. Just be sure to show your kids unconditional love. You don't have to keep putting yourself in a position to cause hurt to yourself or you immediate family.
It doens't say that anywhere in the Bible. The WT likes to use the scriptures like: "Not eating with such a man", "I came to put not peace, but a sword between a father and his son, a mother and her daughter......", "They were no part of us", "To their own vomit they will return", "Do not say a greeting to such a man", and the list goes on and on.
Excellent point, happyagain! I hope you are spreading the word about the JW's unloving hypocrisy.
Welcome Happyagain!
I often thought about my own Mom. How can she love me all those years and then suddenly just shut it off.....just because I don't want to believe what she wants me to believe? How can they be so cruel? How can you stop loving someone like turning off a water valve?
I am just so outraged that this goes on and it seems they get no publicity for it. I feel that they are kept so undercover, why is that? This is the first time I have ever looked on the internet about JW's and I wish I had looked sooner. It seems there are so many of us with the EXACT same hurt. If this is such a true religion, why does it cause so many people so much pain?