Just to throw my miserable turd into the mix.
Yes, I do believe "things" are getting worse.
Things like:
1. Attitude within Western society. That "lack of love" that the Bible talks about. City life for the most part is disfiguring to the soul and this "ideal" is being sort by the world population in general. That "love of money" is driving the world into a hideous fenzy and helps develop that lovely "me first" ego trip. Beautiful.
2. The arms race. Yes, there have always been wars, yet there has not always been the desire and capability to develop those mystical "weapons of mass destruction". Remember the atom bomb anybody? Another love expanding piece of recent human activity. Let the war mongers step forward and try and convince you that peace and security is only possible by pointing a gun at another brothers head.
3. God is mocked and berated on mass. Again, a sign of our times.
4. The world eco system is being stretched so thin, that it will snap under pressure. Mother nature is being raped by man's pursuit of riches. That rape continues within this very hour, this very minute. How many precious species need to be wiped out, before we understand our own greed?
For sure friends, many of us here have wonderful cotton wool encased lives. How simply marvelous for "us" eh? We lucky few who exist in a buffer zone created by our own denial of the grim nature of reality.