Study gone bad

by galaxy7 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • galaxy7

    Well Everyone

    I had my bible study today, it was about demons,anyway the sister said that those shows on tv

    against JWS are instigated by demons.

    I told her about Silent lambs and that it was true and had nothing to do with demons

    Unless it was the molesting demon elders she was refering to

    A few hours later I got a call saying there would be no further bible studies

    So needless to say my husband is not happy with me we even had our first fight.

    So for saying what I think Im being punished.I really dont care about the bible study its being silenced that bothers me the most. I dont even know why I am so upset about it but I am.

  • Sassy

    Sorry Galaxy.. they are probably afraid of what you have to say or ask between all the questions you have raised and now bringing up silentlambs..

  • simplesally

    Sorry your husband is mad but at least you won't have to have studies anymore.

  • dustyb

    you're damned if you do, and you're damned if you don't. so i suggest standing up and telling him to either listen to you or bugger off and live the rest of your lives together....

  • new light
    new light

    Look at the bright side, you got a good strong taste of the WT mentality without much investment at all. Some people don't get to see this side of things until it's too late. That being said, I'm sorry.

  • Elsewhere


    That is all they understand. That is why they are a CULT.

    The other day I was talking to a christian and she was telling me about how she goes to classes at her church. I asked her if she was allowed to ask questions or disagree with the teacher... she laughed and said: "Of course!".

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Good for YOU! Glad you see they're so judgMENTAL! Wish your hubby could see as well....

    Frannie B

  • Gretchen956
    those shows on tv against JWS are instigated by demons.

    huh? What shows is she talking about? The news shows are instigated by demons where some of their lies are exposed? Or am I missing something here?

    Yes, be glad you have learned before its too late what a controlling group they really are. I don't know your story but I'm assuming your husband must be on the inside. Thats tough. The one thing you can hold over him, though, is that he is supposed to set a good example in love so that he wins you over. If he displays any other type of behavior it wouldn't be policy (at least thats how it was LONG long ago when I was in).

    Good luck with this situation.


  • Scully

    Hi galaxy7

    I had my bible study today, it was about demons,anyway the sister said that those shows on tv against JWS are instigated by demons.

    I told her about Silent lambs and that it was true and had nothing to do with demons

    Unless it was the molesting demon elders she was refering to

    A few hours later I got a call saying there would be no further bible studies

    So needless to say my husband is not happy with me we even had our first fight.

    So for saying what I think Im being punished.I really dont care about the bible study its being silenced that bothers me the most. I dont even know why I am so upset about it but I am.

    Interesting that the WTS has convinced JWs that TV programs featuring Silentlambs and other survivors of child abuse within the JWs are "all lies".

    When my JW family members start saying things like that, I always challenge them: If it is "all lies", why isn't the WTS taking on the media organizations and suing them for libel? Surely, if the reports are false the WTS stands to win a huge monetary settlement - and wouldn't Jehovah Give Them the Victory Against His Enemies??? Are they afraid that if they do, it will be determined that the accounts are true? Are they afraid of more negative publicity? If it is The Truth?, why are they so afraid of totally open and public scrutiny?

    When faced with these questions, the average JW has nothing to say in reply.

    Love, Scully

    PS: They've done you a big favour - no more brainwashing sessions studies!!

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Congratulations, galaxy!

    It would have been so sad if they had succeeded in winning you over to the dark side.

    But I sure hope things are all patched up at home.

    Thanks for sharing.

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