by You Know 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • You Know
    You Know

    I have retitled this post thinking perhaps the "DOOM" series has run its course. LOL

    One of the specific features of the sign of Christ's presence has to do with the emergence of false prophets and false Christs. While there have been various lunatics that have claimed to be Christ, none of these have been able to persuade more than a relative handful of people. Yet, Jesus sternly forewarned his chosen ones that "false prophets and false Christs will arise and give great signs and wonders so as to mislead, if possible, even the chosen ones. Look I have forewarned you. Therefore, if people say to you, 'look! He is in the wilderness,' do not g out; 'Look! He is in the inner chambers,' do not believe it."

    The reason such great signs and wonders have not been displayed yet is because the tribulation has not commenced. Jesus had already discussed the cutting short of the tribulation period when he stated, "Then if anyone says to you, 'Look! Here is the Christ…"' So the "then" is during the period when men become faint out of fear, when all sorts of terrifying things are occurring. As for one possible scenario of how false prophets and false Christs may gain credibility so as to have the power to trick even Jesus' anointed brothers, we need to consider the situation that is presently developing.

    As you know, from my several posts linking to credible economics analysts, the world's financial system is doomed. It really is not even a matter of debate. It is a matter of accountant's fact that the whole system is way beyond the point of bankruptcy and is held aloft now only by the continued massive injection of billions and billions of dollars per month of fresh liquidity. There is some question as to how long that game can be played, but the telltale signs of hyperinflation are beginning to emerge, so that the pullers of the economic levers, like the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain, are surely between the proverbial rock and a hard place. So, the captains of this system of things know that their system is doomed. And of course the god of this world has knowledge to that effect as well. That makes war inevitable, for the masters of this world will never let their power be stripped by the collapse of their money pyramid.

    There are numerous hotspots around the world, but none as sensitive or as strategically important as the Middle East. Most observers realize that eventually war will erupt in that region, as it has many times before. Only this time the players have nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons. Israel even has the dreaded neutron bomb. Now, the reason this is significant is because the Evangelical religious movement has long taught that Jesus will physically return to the land that he departed and that Armageddon will literally be fought in that region of the earth. Many of these fundies are also saying that Christ is due to arrive at any moment. So, what happens in the eventuality of a conflagration in the Middle East? No doubt, if the players go nuclear, not only will large segments of the world become obliterated, but also the already precariously tottering financial system would vaporize in an afternoon. The price of a barrel of oil would go into the stratosphere, much like a boiling radioactive mushroom cloud. The governments would crumble. Mankind would truly be terrorized to the point of fulfilling Christ's prophecy of becoming "faint with fear in expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth."

    And, more interestingly, besides the Watchtower likely being blown out of the water by the financial crash, seeing that there is no way that a multi-million dollar operation could continue on when money goes kaput, a great confusion among the Witnesses would set in. And the fundamentalists will have performed great signs and wonders because it will seem as if Christ is returning to Jerusalem somehow. So the stage is definitely set for some strange and earth-shaking things to take place.

    I linked to Hal Lindsey's web site. Check out his little cyber eye candy deal as the page loads up. It shows a cruise missile blowing up into a mushroom cloud, then a picture of Jesus gives way to Hal!

    CLICK HERE >>>> http://www.hallindseyoracle.com/

    LaRouche's assesment of possibilities of Israel going nuclear in the near future. Click here >>> http://www.larouchepub.com/lar/2001/010420_nuclear_war_now.html

  • You Know
    You Know

    I was reading one thread where a poster was questioning my sanity because I created a link to Hal Lindsey's web site---as if it were a result of an alter state of mind. He obviously missed the point. Of course Hal Lindsey is a loonie fundy. But the way things are on course to go down, guys like this are going to appear to have gotten it right---for a time anyway. When things in the Middle East erupt, and it is inevitable, then it might well appear as if Christ is in the wilderness, so to speak. They will gain a lot of credibility. So Lindsey and others aren't just harmless fundies. They are poised to deceive millions when the tribulation commences. While Jesus, the real Jesus, will evidently remain cloaked in invisibility for some time during the tribulation in order to let the deception run its course. So that was the reason for my linking to Lindsey's web site, because this is the kind of stuff that's going on in the world, and for those with an ounce of insight it indicates just how accurate Jesus' prophecy is. / You Know

  • dubla


    i ran across this thread of yours, which apparently no one responded to, and one line caught my eye:

    There is some question as to how long that game can be played, but the telltale signs of hyperinflation are beginning to emerge, so that the pullers of the economic levers, like the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain, are surely between the proverbial rock and a hard place.
    now, obviously youve been touting your "worldwide financial meltdown" prediction for some time....but the part that made my take notice was your mention of "hyperinflation", and how this was the precursor to the upcoming disaster. the reason i find this so interesting, is that your latest link on the "WAGER" thread is an article by a man who believes hyperDEflation to be iminent, and thus the precursor to the disaster. surely you, with all your vast financial knowledge, are aware that inflation and deflation are polar opposites....and they couldnt possibly ever simultaneously happen in disastrous proportions.......so this is an obviously glaring contradiction in your gloom and doom smokescreen. thoughts?


  • YoYoMama

    Dubla: Are you obsessed with YK?

  • dubla


    Dubla: Are you obsessed with YK?
    i find yk to be an interesting, although mentally ill, sparring partner....and his ridiculous predictions are the most entertaining posts on this forum to discredit, imho.


  • dubla


    i realize you have many things on your plate today, so i wont push this too hard. ill check it tomorrow, as im sure youll need to do some research amongst your own quotes/links to backtrack and fix this blunder.


  • dubla

    i see you refuse to answer on either thread (this one and the "wager" thread)........ill be watching to see if you ever give an explanation for your obvious contradictions on both threads. until then, ill simply assume your financial intellect is what we all imagined it was: smoke and mirrors.


  • You Know
    You Know
    the reason i find this so interesting, is that your latest link on the "WAGER" thread is an article by a man who believes hyperDEflation to be iminent, and thus the precursor to the disaster. surely you, with all your vast financial knowledge, are aware that inflation and deflation are polar opposites....and they couldnt possibly ever simultaneously happen in disastrous proportions.......so this is an obviously glaring contradiction in your gloom and doom smokescreen. thoughts?

    Typically, most economists define inflation strickly in terms of consumer prices. However, that is not the only measure of the worth of money. Actually, the worst case scenario is that both occur simultaneously. During the 70's the term was coined---"Stagflation"--- to describe a similar disfunction of the economy. Both phenomenon, inflation, and deflation, are actually beginning to emerge now. The inflation is seen, though, not in commodity prices, but in the astronomical rise of fictitious financial values related to grossly over-valued stock prices and real estate values and derivatives. Each year trillions upon trillions of dollars of totally unpayable claims are heaped on the pile. However, simutaneously, due to the collapsing of the productive economy, commodity prices are falling into a deflationary spiral. This phenomenon is actually what LaRouche's triple curve collapse function had predicted long ago. It graphically details the final and catastrophic de-coupling of the speculative financial and paper monetary system from the underlying vital economy that people's lives depend upon. / You Know

  • dubla


    thanks for getting back to me with your version of an explanation. i still have contradictions posed to you on the other thread that you left unaswered. i hope that in your spare time you will choose to field those replies (plural). good day to you.


  • logical

    What exactly is a "christ"? The word Christ means "annointed of Jah". So, that verse could mean false annointed. All christians are annointed, but there will be those who claim to be annointed but prove false to their power. Like the 144,000 in the 'Tower perhaps. These could be what mke up "Babylon the Great", those who have turned away from Christ and fornicated with their religious "beast".

    Anyway YK, nice to see you announcing the "Good news of the Kingdom" as always.[8>]

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