Last Sunday, 60 Minutes made the following religious vs. voter affiliation report:
2/3rds of churchgoers vote Republican while 2/3rds of non-churchgoers vote Democrat.
I posted an Unofficial Poll for JWD posters in order to compare and contrast. Unfortunately, the thread died due to server problems after 20 votes, but here are the results:
6 Republicans responded, with approximately 2/3 (4 out of 6) reporting to be non-churchgoers (opposite of the news update).
10 Democrats responded, with appromately 2/3 (7 out of 10) reporting to be non-churchgoers (directly aligned with the news update).
4 additional responders reported a variety of options (none offered, but that goes to show you about JWD folks)
Interesting that our Republicans appear to be different than the norm, but these results reflect a small sampling. If you want to register your position on the Poll, please do so! Hopefully this one won't die so soon.
Other comments welcome!