Will the janet controversy cause a WTS backlash against the Super Bowl?

by Azalo 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Azalo

    and other large sporting/entertainment events?

    I can already hear the talks where someone mentions the incident and implies that JW's shouldn't even watch such events because they run the risk of seeing something like this. And we all know that if the WTS implies something they might as well write it in stone.

  • Azalo

    For those of you who are still active maybe you can fill us in on what the WTS response has been so far if any.

  • Undecided

    Since Janet grew up in a JW home, what could they say??

    Ken P.

  • Gopher

    Usually the Watchtower (through publications and large assemblies) won't name specific songs, movies or TV shows to avoid -- they will mention "trends" and categories to avoid (like when they came out against soap operas, or against disco, rap and heavy metal music).

    The WTS has long warned against "violent entertainment". Football (American style) is obviously a violent sport, but many ordinary JW's (including elders and Bethelites) are avid fans and regular watchers.

    They've also commented on "music videos" in general, although it's hard to condemn this entire category because a lot of music videos are tame. Whether the Justin/Janet fiasco will cause a new warning to come out from the moral eagles at the WTS headquarters, time will tell. But I doubt it'll have much effect on the average Witness, and especially not the average young JW.

  • Gopher
    Since Janet grew up in a JW home, what could they say??

    They could say "look at how low people will go once they leave Jehovah's organization".

  • Undecided

    Being a JW does have a way of derangeing the mind I guess, even before leaving, but especially afterward.

    Ken P.

  • ryan2003

    Just a question, is everyone on this site an EX JW? I am an active and happy brother who thinks he may be in the wrong place. A reply please.

  • RubaDub


    Not everyone here is an ex-JW.

    I am still active (somewhat) and others here are too.

    Us active ones just have to keep a little lower profile....especially us with family members still in.

    ***** Rub a Dub

  • worldlygirl

    Ryan, I have never been JW, nor have I ever studied, but I was married to one (who, by the way, ruined my life.)

  • Sassy

    well they can use this as an example that the end is EVEN CLOSER.. look how bad things are, you can't even trust your eyes for watching public tv the world has gotten SO BAD

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