In Blondie's absence this week, I am posting the comments she sent me for the week's Watchtower Study. Since the article is mainly a statistical recap of JW statistics for 2003 (and basically the WTS patting themselves on the back), this post is shorter than Blondie's usual commentary.
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 2-15-04 WT Study
Review comments will be in black and parentheses () WT quotes will be in red and quotes "" Quotes from other sources will be in blue "INTO ALL THE EARTH THEIR SOUND WENT OUT" "Make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit."?Matthew 28:19 Opening CommentsWatch for buzzwords. Ask why scriptures are not quoted or strung as snippets. If you have a WT-CD, see what the WTS said about the scripture in the past. A good one, Colossians 1:23.
Sorry, I can?t be more detailed.
Sense of urgency
Colossians 1:23
Who are the "weeds" and the "wheat"?
Rapid Increase Today
The date 1919 is featured in paragraph 4 as the time for the pure Christian wheat to be identified?anointed Christians. This date is tied irrevocably to 1914. The WTS feels that they were identified as this wheat. Take away 1914 and the mantle from God is whisked away.
The number of the anointed partaking went down for the first time in several years. Will it go up again? Time will tell.
In paragraph 8, the WTS says that Satan brought about WW2 to attack the great crowd.
Paragraph 10, "demonstrated their sense of urgency"
In Foreign Fields
Japan had a peak of 217,508 publishers in 2003
What was the number of publishers in past years? Is this a yoyo increase/decrease?
1998?220,663 publishers hmmmmm?
"Out of All?Tribes and Peoples and Tongues"The WTS takes the credit of taking up the challenge of putting God?s message in the language of the people.
The NWT is only in 11 to 12 languages. Whose Bible translations do you think the WTS uses to preach to people in the thousands of other languages? Those translated and published by Protestant Bible societies. Who then is preaching to peoples "out of all?."?
"Into All the Earth"Millions?perhaps more than any previous time in history?are saying Acts 5:42And every day in the temple and from house to house they continued without letup teaching and declaring the good news about the Christ, Jesus."I will bless Jehovah at all times" since 1919 have spent themselves in Jehovah?s serviceI wonder what they were doing from 1879 to 1919?
Concluding CommentsI will try to check in to see what fine comments all of you make. You lurkers, come on down and jump in.