"Houston, we have a problem..."

by You Know 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • You Know
    You Know

    Victoria's Secret posted yesterday that the convention in Houston got flooded out. I have friends and relatives there that I have been unable to contact. Can someone tell me the situation there? Are some of the phone lines down or are they just overloaded and jammed up?

    Thanks in advance.

    PLEASE: Disregard this message, I just got through. / You Know

  • Larsguy

    Hello You Know,

    Both my parents who live in Texas were scheduled to go to the assembly in Houston and they called me last night and said it got rained out and got cancelled. My mother told me that some areas surrounding the Astrodome were EIGHT FEET DEEP! The area has been hit by incredible rain all this week. In fact my parents said the day before they left it rained worst than they ever had seen (Palestine) and they were hoping to have clear roads to go down to Houston for the assembly. At last contact they said they were heading back since the assembly was cancelled and were hoping the roads were open.

    So this is a second confirmation that the assembly in Houston defenitely got rained out, or I should say flooded out.


  • COMF

    I saw on the news last night that two people had died thus far from the rains. People were being rescued by helicopter from the roofs of houses. They showed films of car roofs sticking up out of the water.


  • ZazuWitts


    Good, I'm glad you were able to contact your parents, phew, I'm sure you are relieved!

    When hurricane Hugo hit the Virgin Islands some years back, my daughter was living there. She couldn't be evacuated in time before Hugo hit shore. Although I knew where she was staying, and generally felt she was safe, I didn't actually get to hear from her for exactly 7 worry-filled days and nights. She was finally evacuated on the 10th day via a military transport/cargo plane.
    This MaMa was so happy to see her baby!

  • Larsguy

    Hello everyone,

    I just put a call through to my parents who are still trapped there.

    They told me that they barely got out of the stadium on Friday when the rains started but that some witnesses were derinitely trapped in the stadium and could not get home. As of now they are still trapped in Houston, unable to get up to Palestine.

    Unfortunately, I'm sad to report that they confirmed that two witnesses, apparently an elderly couple in their car had drowned. So this is very devastating.

    They also report the water is near the roofs for some homes so apparently some of these homes are going to be lost. This has turned out to be much more of a tragedy than I had thought.

    My mother told me two days of the Houston assembly have already been rescheduled.

    So, thankfully, my parents are okay but still trapped in Houston for the moment. Two JW confirmed to have drowned.

    I'll post an update when I hear more. Hopefully the rains will let up. Plus apparently this was sort of a "freak" storm that kept "circling Houston", dropping record inches of rain.



    Yipes - Armageddon is here already and you said there would be an apostasy among the JWs first. Better begin fleeing to the roof tops. Why are the JWs involved? Who is controling the weather up there? Have they tried prayer? Perhaps they missed too much Sunday morning ministry.

    This is indeed a warning to us all. Hail Mary X 3

  • Larsguy

    Hello Gladiator,

    I didn't realize You Know had a doctrinal position that there would be an aposty within the witness organization since he seemd so loyal, this is interesting news.

    Problem is, the Bible indicates the apostasy would be of the Governing Body, not among the brothers necessarily other than the ones worshipping them. Perhaps I should start a new thread, but 2 Thess. 2:4 claims that some of the anointed would rise up "in the temple of THE God" and make themselves gods, becoming apostate. Obviously the only entity who could do that would be whoever is in charge of the organization meaning the GB.

    So there is definitely supposed to be an apostasy within the "temple" organization, only it includes the GB!! I doubt that's You Know's position. The prophesied "man of lawlessness" ends up being the GB of JWs. Details will be discussed in a new thread if you're interested in scriptural references.

    But this was definitely a "freak" storm which seemed focussed in Houston, raining out the assembly. I wouldn't imagine a direct connection but I'm wondering!!! Was this a wake-up call from Heaven to the apostate Governing Body and their continued Biblical lying and apostasy? I say that since this was a very unusual storm centered in Houston....


  • sf

    I have it on reliable source sayin that Sydlik was trapped at the stadium after he gave the last talk. I will update you as well.


  • COMF

    You all know that it is psychologically impossible for Bobby to say anything that is in the slightest way indicative of appreciation or a positive view of anyone here. He can't speak normally; he has Tourette Syndrome. Whenever he tries to say, "I really appreciate your thoughts on the matter, and agree wholeheartedly," what comes out is, "No doubt Jehovah will be laughing with glee as he melts the flesh off your face."

    The You Know version of "I love you guys" comes out as, "Your apostate slime will ooze over the internet for yet a very short time before you are cleansed away."

    "I appreciate all you guys have done for me" transforms on the way from brain to mouth into, "Oh, how I have hated them with a pure and holy hatred."

    Therefore he cannot respond, in this thread, to say his thanks to us for answering his post. So I'll just do it for him.

    "My heartfelt thanks to all of you for the information and your encouragement and well-wishing. You're a fine bunch. I love you all. /You Know"

    Don't bother to thank me, Robbie! It's understood. Love ya.




    Thanks for the post to me. I don't myself believe that a single word in the Bible was written with the JWS in mind. The references to Israel were just that. The references to the christians then were to the Christians then.

    The Watchtower Company is simply a printing company that started out with sincere aims and developed into a cult.They would like to think the whole Bible was written to them but they have rather lost their paddle.

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