JW cannots........

by Nan 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • razorMind

    JW Cannot #115---Can't put up pictures of celebrities, singers, music groups, etc. on your walls. Nor can you wear clothing with images of aforementioned individuals.

    This is considered "idolatry" and "glorifying man instead of Jehovah".

  • tinkerafbrat

    Many things on that list are conscience matters. I went to the Prom. My daughters went to the Prom. My son has been in wrestling, basketball, football and baseball since little league and is now a senior in high school, still playing on school team (1st base). We have never once attempted to hide any of this from anyone in our congregation. It is who we are. It is a conscience matter. We have no problem with it. However, the youth that we know that have been "home schooled" to keep them from the world have been involved in drugs and immorality and have been counseled and even some disassociated. I can count 3 that have been in prison and 1 that is currently on the states Aggravated Sexual Offenders List for life.!!! WOW!!! My 3 kids all have gone to public school, played sports, been in band, gone to the prom, and are going to college.............all are still active in the truth, have never been in one ounce of trouble at school or at the hall.

    What does anyone make of this?

    In my humble opinion it's like holdig that spring tight in your hand and letting it go all at once. Where does it go?? EVERYWHERE! But let it go gradually and it is released in a controlled fashion. This is what we have done with our children. There is no good to come from sheltering your kids from the world, because they eventually are going to encounter it.

  • eisenstein


    I honestly give you credit on your job with your kids. But, really it is a yet as to which one of the hard fast rules that will give one of them trouble.


  • Agnes

    It is such a joke. I know JW's that celebrate the holidays as much as the next person, don't want anyone to think they aren't main stream. I know a JW that wears her red sweaters the day before Christmas and Valentine's Day. Not a coincedence I tell you as long as they aren't doing it with "Worldly People" they find a way to celebrate while pretending that they aren't.

  • luna

    Well, my dad is an elder, but we ate Turkey on Thanksgiving a LOT. Of course, it wasn't CELEBRATING, just a good time to buy inexpensive turkey.

    As for Salvation Army and Church run thrift stores....my mom is a thrift store JUNKIE! (JW woman....need i say more?) But, I KNOW that we went to church run thrift stores many many times.

    And wearing a covering over your head when you pray around men, if you're a woman....I never remember seeing any instance of that......I mean, women never EVER led prayer in the hall, but I remember women saying a pray at many meals we attended, or had in our home, and no head coverings in sight.

    As far as the others.....That's about right. I couldn't do any of that stuff.

    Thanks, Nan, for posting that. It's crazy to see it all in print. Yikes. Glad I got out!


  • seedy3

    Although most of those are true, some are not

    AA can be attended, my exwife went to many AA meetings
    The smurf thing is all a conciense matter, but they are very superstitious about them............. oh wait superstitions not allowed
    I dunno there were a couple others that didn't ring true


  • jgnat

    Go to five meetings a week.
    Read and underline their Watchtower and book study every week.
    Enjoy the privelege of going door to door every week, presenting the Watchtower materials.

  • DIM

    good for you tinker, but you must realize that they talk about you behind your back....its a conscience matter, true, but frowned upon. surely you must realize that.

  • johnny_was_good

    You cannot have a drink after the fieldservice.

    You cannot be involved in a fightsport (e.g. boxing, karate, judo, Tai-Bo.......)

  • tinkerafbrat

    I really do not care if they talk about me behind my back or not. One thing that seperates me from backstabbers is that unlike them, I do not hide who I am or what I do. I have never once been called into the "back room" over my children. They are thought highly of in our congregation and also neighboring congregations.

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