Ok, I'm going to college right now and I have about 2 years before I become a certified history high school teacher. However, I am already beginning to do observation hours and it has got me thinking. I will almost surely end up with dub kids in my homeroom for the flag salute or in my regular classes. It's going to be hard to bite my tongue and not say anything. Maybe I will drop hints or give them a Crisis of Conscience book as their home work as research on the history of religious freedom. Although, I think I could get some angry parents which could endanger my job. What to do?
As a school teacher, how should I treat witness kids?
by Atilla 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It would endanger your job. Personally I would give them respect for their beliefs. Unless you are teaching older kids, it is unlikely you will have any effect and probably just come back to bite you... not to mention make it more difficult for the innocent children..
Now, if you had the opportunity to talk to the parents... hmmmm..
little witch
IMO you are a teacher of a secualar sort. If you interfere in any way with someones religion, you will be fired. Trust me you will.
Keep your opinions to yourself, and teach the subject you are given. Leave religion out, thats what churches, mosques, and temples are for. Not to be taught in class.
Your job is not to teach morals, they differ from house to house, and are left legally to the parents.
Good Luck in your career. Keep it secular and you will be great.
I agree with Sassy. If a Muslim or Atheist passed out information against Christianity, there would be an UPROAR! I'd leave the religion to the child and their parents and respect their freedom to believe and practice it. Even if the student came to me asking questions on it, I would encourage them to do their own research on it so that you don't get in trouble with your employers.
Probably one of the best things you can do for ANY of the children you teach is how to evaluate information. Most JWs take anything the WTS publishes at face value, as absolute-beyond-the-shadow-of-a-doubt TRVTH. You can't go attacking specific belief systems. Remember that thing about "separation of church and state"?? You can get in a lot of trouble for crossing that line.
Instead of attacking just JWs, why not set the groundwork for ALL kids so they don't get sucked into the JWs or any OTHER cult. Teach them to critically evaluate EVERYTHING by asking questions like:
- Is it true?
- Does it serve my best interests?
- Does it advance and protect my health and well-being, or the health and well-being of people I care about?
- Does it help me achieve my personal goals?
Teaching kids how to THINK for themselves is the best way to help them get a leg up on the JWs. It will help kids to stay away from ANY belief system that doesn't have THEIR best interests at heart and will give JW kids some critical thinking tools to help them get out before they commit their lives to the WTS.
Love, Scully
franklin J
having been one of those little JW kids myself; I know just how much they must be aching inside. I have the most "sensitive" ( painful) memories of those years.
Despite however they were "programed" about their beliefs; no child wants to be singled out as different.
Judging by my own experiences; the poor little ones do not choose to be different. It is superimposed on them. I have the fondest memories and respect for the caring teachers who made me feel comfortable with my beliefs.
Remember, if you try to teach them something contrary to what their parents have provided--you will set up conflict and their parents WILL hear about it and possibly complain about you..
Doubtfully Yours
Want to commit career suicide? Best bite your tongue.
Just be a teacher concerned with your subject and forget about other people's personal lives.
Thanks for all the good info. so far. I am learning the guidelines to being a good teacher everyday and I would never cross the line. I don't see any reason to do so and I know if I was back in school and my teacher told me something bad about my religion, I probably would have ignored him. I guess set good foundations and hope for the best.
Just be good to them....and have pity.
District Overbeer
I think you should go out of your way not to make them feel uncomfortable. Lots of folks here have suffered thru being singled out due to the requirements of dubdom. You will be appreciated for being understanding, and this could win some gratitude and respect. If you ever have occasion to share thoughts or ideas (in a general sense like Scully mentions), your words will have better impact.
I would not go further than that, even though it would be really tempting. You could find yourself fired.