Animals in the New System

by Bulldog 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    You know Bulldog, I once saw a bulldog exactly like that in Leicester.

  • cruzanheart

    And I saw one in Ft. Worth! Here's Jade's baby (and my two human ones):

    Who could resist a face like that?


  • peacefulpete

    The WT has even recently applied Isaiah as being people with lionlike personalities. Emphasizing that the change is the result of "knowledge of Jehovah". Yet they turn around and use the verse anyway as applying to animals. Never mind the intended meaning of the author.

  • boa

    welcome bulldog

    on this question, i guess i shouldn't be surprised how many in the org either haven't thought about this or have dismissed in their minds the implications. i remember growing up in jw home and having vague explanations for the way the cycle of life is, with its viciousness at times, as somehow related to the Fall, which brings more q's like: did Satan have something to do with changing the animal kingdom? Did Jehovah redesign the nature of all animals at that time? Did he actually design animals with all of their predator/prey components, but the predators really only need 'grass' to live on? The things even a child can wonder about and those wonderings go unanswered all one's life.

    Until now. I certainly don't know this for sure, but, it seems to me that if we apply the '2 books from God' illustration used by jws, ie: The Bible and the book of Creation, it would seem to me that the animal kingdom is either an evolutionary behaviour and development, OR, it indeed is a lesson in the Creator about several different facets of his personality. For example, the beauty of many animals with their cute cuddly offspring versus the cold hard reality of life in this universe (as we so far know it), namely, eat or be eaten and for many species, have fun doing (killing) it, do it for the hell of it, or take one's time doing it so the prey suffers for a long time.

    I for one don't know the actual truth about this situation but if its as it seems in the above paragraph and that ends up being the facts, then thats what i want to believe.

    If Jehovah changed anything with the animal kingdom at the Fall IMO, it was turning ON a natural fear of man so as to provide some protection to the animal kingdom for the upcoming bumpy ride of imperfect mankind.

    nice post bulldog ;)


    'For all those who THINK they know, beware of arrogance'

  • BluesBrother

    Long before I stopped serving the Borg, I reasoned that the GB were being way too literal in the understanding of Is.65.. It just did not make sense . For a long time lately it had seemed that the WTS was backtracking a bit and stressing the "Changes in peoples personality" idea that was also placed on the verses.

    But the Feb 22 Awake 2004 , p10 -11 says the following

    In Jehovahs new world you will be able to touch the furry mane of a lion, stroke the striped coat of a tiger and, yes, to sleep in the woods without fear of any animal doing them harm. Notice this promise of God, [quote Ezekiel 34.25.].Indeed wild animals will then be in submission even to little children, [quote Isaiah 11.6]

    It seems that literalism has returned together with nice pictures of cuddly animals , in an issue about pets - designed to appeal to animal lovers - sure beats me how they still swalow it

  • chachasmum

    Nina he's soooo cute so are your kiddies.

  • Beans

    Predators will not be anymore, it will be the greatest miracle ever! And look we will all be so happy!

    Look thats us all dead in the background!


    Canadian District Overbeer

  • gumby


    Doncha know Jehovah's going to change the animals thinking.....just like he did at the flood? Remember.......he made animals afraid of man so they wouldn't get killed so easy and this caused them to prey on one another. If jehovah can cause animals to rip each other to shreads......he can surely make them love one another.( sarcasm intended)

    Animals will be just as they are as long as they exist.


  • gumby

    Now THAT precious!

  • gaiagirl

    Wow, Beans

    In the wake of all the recent acts of terrorism, that picture is truly disturbing. It could almost be lifted directly from a terrorist propoganda publication.

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