Making money out of the dead and holocaust

by Kent 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kent

    As you may know, victims from the Nazi camps can get compensation, and the Watchtower has naturally found a new way to get money - from the dead! They propose that THEY will get the money - and "give it away to needy JWs". Since when did the Watchtower do anything of the kind? Their registration as a "charitable" organization is nothing but a tax fraud, and now they are stealing from the dead!


    Address: 100 Watchtower Drive, Patterson, NY 12563;
    Tel No: 914-306-0700
    Contact: Carolyn R. Wah, Associate General Counsel

    Date of Proposal: December 7, 1999; as supplemented August 23, 2000; on August 10, 1999 and on June 22, 2000 the Special Master met with Carolyn R. Wah, Jolene Chu and James Pellechia.

    Proposal Summary:

    Special consideration should be given to applications of the surviving Jehovah's Witness victims of Nazi persecution. The Watch Tower would use a portion of the Settlement Fund to support its ongoing research and archival work on the Holocaust and presentations of its findings.

    It would devote any allocated monies solely to Holocaust education and the remembrance of the prisoners who bore the purple triangle, which represented the R&O-671622.1 A - 30

    In Re HOLOCAUST VICTIM ASSETS LITIGATION (Swiss Banks) SPECIAL MASTER'S PROPOSAL, September 11, 2000 Jehovah's Witnesses. Watch Tower proposes to establish a legal entity to make cash payments and in-kind distributions to needy Jehovah's Witness class members,


    Check out the Watchtower Observer. It's a HUGE amount of new material submitted. More than 150 pages the last 4 days!

    Yakki Da

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • Fredhall

    Bite me Kent!

  • Celia

    Kent, another great document you've found here.
    Your site is amazing.
    Where do you find all the stuff ?
    Keep it up.

  • Stephanus

    Unbelievable! This sentence in particular:

    The Watch Tower would use a portion of the Settlement Fund to support its ongoing research and archival work on the Holocaust and presentations of its findings.

    Since when has the 'Tower been capable of unbiased, scholarly research, the results of which it would share without an up front donation???

    Fred, if you have this kinky need to be bitten, perhaps one of your cats might oblige!

  • Osarsif
    It's a HUGE amount of new material submitted. More than 150 pages the last 4 days!

    It would be great if the site could present a list of all the new articles sorted by day of inclusion, and not just the last 10. Perhaps a link at the bottom (below the box that has the "Latest articles" and "Latest news") saying: "articles added in the previous days" or something like that.

  • Larsguy

    Thanks for posting this Kent.

    I suppose the HOLOCAUST issue will not go away since it was the prophesied "great tribulation" mentioned in Matthew and Mark (not a different great tribulation mentioned in Revelation). The details of the HOLOCAUST fulfill many specific Bible prophecies. It would seem if that's the case that the Holocaust and it's link to Jehovah's Witnesses will come more into focus as we realize this event is linked to the Jews' failing their Law Covenant with God and it is associated with the 1290 days which event is used to date the second coming (1335 days).

    Of note the "Love of the GREATER NUMBER" cooling off would reference a "lesser number", thus the two groups, both spiritual Israel (lesser number/JWs) and greater number (natural Jews) are implied scripturally. The love of the greater number cooling off would have to do with the anti-Semitic attitudes that was a precursor to the Holocaust. Another detail about the Holocaust fulfilled was "unless the days were cut short, no flesh would be saved" implies a possible total extermination of the holy ones was possible at this critical time which was very true of the Jews whom Hitler was determine to exterminate totally.

    But while the focus of the "great tribulation" would be against the greater number, it is significant that there was a trampling of spiritual Israel, that is, Jehovah's witnesses, specifically by the Nazis which is a further indication they are considered to be spiritual Israel, Biblically.

    So all that to just say this, in the background, that the JW unique connection with the Holocaust represents specific Biblical fulfillment of prophecy, but their being primarily singled out by the Nazis, who later proved to be the "disgusting thing causing desolation" to the natural Jews proves the witness organization are the prophesied temple organization.

    But of even more fascinating note is the fact that the Nazi focus against Jehovah's witnesses was not their doctrinal beliefs in the least but their alleged connection with Jewish Freemasonry. Apparently Hitler presumed they offered a cover for an ongoing secret society which JF Rutherford seemed to more than confirm in his letter to Hitler. So I would just like to have us all keep in mind WHY Jehovah's Witnesses were singled out by the Nazis, which was basically because they were suspected of being pro-Semitic cultic spies linked with the Jewish underground and Freemasonry. This wasn't religious persecution, this was political persecution.

    I hope your documentation will focus on some of these facts.

    Thanks again for your collecting this data at your site.


  • hippikon
  • logical


  • JAVA


    Special consideration should be given to applications of the surviving Jehovah's Witness victims of Nazi persecution. The Watch Tower would use a portion of the Settlement Fund to support its ongoing research and archival work on the Holocaust and presentations of its findings.

    There is no limit to the lies the Watchtower will tell in defrauding others out of money! Perhaps the Tower will sue hospitals next for the countless dead JWs that were not allowed to accept blood transfusions. I'm sure more JWs died and continue dying from the Watchtower Holocaust than the Nazi Holocaust. Surely the Watchtower can make money on this by researching how much blood loss is required in order to die. They have a great control group for this study.

    I'm certain the $$$Tower will use the loot for "research" if one considers research exploring additional ways of bilking money from future suckers. Asking how low will the Watchtower go, one needs to dig a hole to China in order to answer.

    ...counting time at the Coffee Shop

  • Kent

    Hi Osarsif

    You said:

    It would be great if the site could present a list of all the new articles sorted by day of inclusion, and not just the last 10. Perhaps a link at the bottom (below the box that has the "Latest articles" and "Latest news") saying: "articles added in the previous days" or something like that.

    Great Idea! I have already told the guy that is working on the new stationaries, and this will be done.

    If you take a look at:

    You will find the new Search Utilities for the Watchtower Observer. There you will have the option searching directly in the category you're in (in the Test case, the category is TEST)But if you klick "OPTIONS" - you will have lots of oportunities to search like you want - in spesific categories, spesific dates (klock the ... beside the date field) etc.

    What we will try to do is making it possible to ask for articles posted from DATE to DATE, or just FROM DATE. That way you can pick articles from the last time you visited the site, no matter what date that actually was.

    The search also uses coockies (if you want to) and you can save your search. The site will then remember the search for the next visit.

    There will also be included an option to discuss single articles. If one article is especcially interesting, I can make a discussion for that article only!

    Also, the new site will show the name of the page, and the URL will show in the URL field. Not only "";

    I hope new pages will be running in a day or so. Check it out, my friend - and I'm pretty sure you will enjoy the new site when it's running in a few days.

    Yakki Da

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

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