There are some really great writers on this forum

by truthseeker 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    I don't know if this has ever been brought up before, but there are several excellent writers on this forum.

    Many of you have real talent, and you write with such passion and emotion when publishing your life stories.

    Having read hundreds of life stories, I can see how well you express yourselves. Each biography is a mini novel in itself - they would make excellent drama's if they weren't so real to the people who wrote them.

    It must be JWism that makes those who have left such good writers.

    For those of you who have more time: How about publishing an online book of life stories, giving the title and last/first name/username as a search index. There are some sites that do this, but this forum has more life stories than any other. Something to think about.

    I take my hat off to you all.

  • dustyb

    if we put all of our stories together on this forum we'd have millions of dollars rolling in for all of us, therefore we'd have money to fight off those damn WTS bastards!!! YAY

  • Funchback

    Thanks for the kind words, truthseeker.

    If I wasn't so humble I would let this get to my head.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    If I recall correctly, the idea of doing a book of personal stories was brought up more than a year ago.

    Suddenly, nothing happened.

  • Sunnygal41
    Suddenly, nothing happened.

    LMAO at Nathan's dry sarcasm!!!!!


  • Englishman

    Nathan's right.

    It was great idea, then suddenly there it was, gone.


  • gumby

    Randy Watter has done just that. He has a few editions now of "LETTER TO THE EDITOR".

    These are collected stories of thousands of ex-dubs. It WOULD be nice to have a collection of those from this board. If it ever gets done....... it will be a woman who does it proly.


  • jgnat

    If I recall, the requestor wanted names and addresses to verify the stories. I did not recognize the requestor as a regular poster. Sometimes it is all in how you are asked. Lady Lee did a great job beating the drum and getting our recipe book done!

    Compiling and editing stories is a big job.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I have recently had an anthology published. It was written by several writers. As a group none of us required the names or addresses of the other members of the group. Few of us have ever met other members of the group (I have met 4 out of the 16).

    Once the book was accepted by the publisher then the names and addresses were required but only to the publisher. We still don't have each others names.. We each had to sign a release for our story. I think that if people contributed to a book the same procedures would apply.

    But there are other issues. In our group we had 3 editors during the writing process. By the time our stories got to the publisher no one was asked to edit their stories. I suspect the publisher liked that.

    In our group our designated leader of the group will be getting all the money from proceeds of the books. He in turn is responsible to send each of us our share. That requires trust on our part. Most of us have never met him. (We are scattered all across Canada)

    Making the book available on-line is easy. Like our cookbooks all that is needed is a link. Whether to sell it or offer it for free is one issue. Offering it for free or to sell is another issue.

    Taking it to a publisher for a book that will sell in the stores is a different issue. And then the issue of having it self published would require a finacial outlay by all contributors.

    A title for the book had to be agreed upon by all as did the format and cover (the inital e-book cover was designed by one of the group after several people offered submissions). The cover for the print book was designed by the publisher and we had no say.

    Since our book was an anthology we had to decide whether to use all 16 names or find a name for our group. We chose to use a collective name for the group but the publisher has opted for both (I believe the book can be searched for using both our acronym (Writers Across Canada Online - WACO or the name of our group leader Len Rich).

    It is a huge under-taking and requires a great commitment from all contributors. Our project has taken 5 years from start to publishing the book.

  • bisous

    what's the name

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