Genealogy research is really fascinating. I keep hoping to find some really famous, closely related people, but all I find are very distant cousins. I can claim both Aaron Burr and Benedict Arnold as cousins, and Princess Diana. Grover Cleveland was a cousin of my grandmother. I am a direct descendant of a man named Roger Conant, founder of Salem MA. He was a Puritan, but most of my ancestors were Quakers.
The most interesting thing I have found is that my great grandfather moved from New York State to Seattle in 1889 to go to the Yukon for the Gold Rush. I found all his information on the internet, including the day he entered the Chilikoot Trail, and found an old letter he wrote to my grandmother from the Yukon when she was 13 (1898). I have the letter.
Another gem was when I got my other great grandparent's marriage certificate, and learned she was an Indian (Native American, that is). The certificate did say Indian, though. That was exciting. Then I went on a relentless search to find out which tribe and found a great deal of information from the Bureau of Indian Affairs. She was a Brothertown Indian, a joining of 7 Indian nations. Her family were Montauk. That explained a lot to both me and all my cousins, as to why our parents look like Indians. No one ever told us about her, and we all knew her because she lived to be 93.
My grandmother's great grandfather went to California in 1850 for that Gold Rush, and his wife and two youngest children joined him traveling from Michigan to New York, where they boarded a ship and traveled to Panama, where they "crossed the isthmus" (newspaper article), in the days before the Panama Canal. I assume they traveled by carriage.They settled in Placervulle CA where he became an Inn keeper and a California Assemblyman. Lots of little nuggets out there. Just not gold!! Neither man found his fortune in the gold fields.