Welcome Visitor!
by Tatiana 21 years ago 18 Replies latest 21 years ago jw friends
....so I'm sending this Valentine's Wish to EVERYONE!!!!!!!
Live and laugh and love with abandon....this is your only visit in this world. Make it important!
Thanks, I needed that!
Boy did you open up a can of worms! Now that you sent me a card, I'm going to stalk you for the rest of your life. Ever seen the movie "Fatal Attraction"?
Thanks for the card Tatina.....that was sweet.
so I'm sending this Valentine's Wish to EVERYONE!!!!!!!
I thought that was really sweet of you last year.....((sending it right back ))and to everyone here too
(((((((((((((April))))))))))))) You are such a nice person. Thank you!
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Hope you all are having a loving, sweet day. That's all that matters.
LOL I remember that. And we didn't have the PM system, you had to use email addys.
I saved it btw
For Tatiana:
awwwww...chocolate??? For me???? Thank you xjw...
This kind won't make me gain 5 pounds!