Could a JW pharmacist give out the morning after pill?

by Atilla 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Atilla

    This subject came to mind a few days ago when a saw a news article about a pharmacist working at a Eckerd drug store in Texas. A woman came in for the morning after pill but the pharmacist who was very religious-not a dub-went in the back of the store and prayed about his situation. He says that God told him that this wasn't ok, so he along with the other two pharmacists refused to give the pills to the woman. It turns out that the woman had just been raped and was then forced to go to another pharmacy where her prescription was subsequently filled. Eckerd apologized for the situation and promptly fired the head pharmacist who had started the confrontation.

    First of all, I think that this story is just a small example of what religion does to people, and how mind controlling it really can be. The woman who argued Roe V. Wade came to my campus last week and she was very informative. She was one of the first women to argue before the Supreme Court and when she did argue the case there wasn't even a woman's restroom in the Supreme Court. I think things have changed for the better but it seems like people still want to overturn this law. I support free choice and I think that the opposite side-that being no choice is not something we want to go back to. The attorney, Sarah Weddington, who argued Roe. V. Wade said that back in the 60's it was very hard for women to have any rights. Many states had laws banning any form of birth control wether it be between married or unmarried couples. Women also had very little rights when it came to ending their marriage or child custody. Yes, it would be great if no abortions took place but people want to close their eyes and pretend that a ban would solve all of our social ills-not the case.

    Anyways, getting back to the subject. In my hall, this one sister was dating a JW pharmacist who had gone to school and became a pharmacist. Everyone in the hall was like wow, this guy went to college for 5 years to become a pharmacist. He was a nice guy and he did say that he encountered some opposition when he chose to go to school instead of becoming a full time pioneer. Although, he did say that he would often auxillary pioneer, I guess during the summer, when he was going to school. Nevertheless, it didn't work out with him and the pioneer sister in my hall-I guess he wasn't spiritual enough for her. She ended up married to some Bethel guy and the last time I heard, finances aren't so well for the couple, in fact I think she makes more money than him working at a bank compared to his illustrous dry-wall career.

    Although, I do wonder what happened to that JW pharmacist? What would he do if he encountered such a situation which I'm sure he does on a regular basis since he lives in the Philadelphia area? Would it be a conscience matter or would the elders have to have a talk with him? Maybe the elders are too dumb to realize what goes on at a pharmacy these days anyways-just a thought.

  • Scully

    Technically, the morning after pill does not result in an "abortion". It normally takes about 24-48 hours following intercourse for sperm and egg to meet, so conception has not occurred yet if the morning after pill is taken.

    The morning after pill simply causes the lining of the woman's uterus to be shed so that the environment inside the uterus is not hospitable to a fertilized ovum. It's like causing her period to start early.

    Although a JW pharmacist may make a conscientious decision to not participate or assist in treatments that cause a pregnancy to be aborted, he does not have the right to impose his conscience on his clientèle. If he refuses to sell birth control products for women, he'd better make darn sure that he also refuses to sell birth control products for men, otherwise he's painting a bullseye on his head for the women's rights folks.

    Love, Scully

  • Brummie

    interesting thread!

  • Atilla

    Yes, I was aware of how the morning after pill does work and the pharmacist in this situation should have been aware of this too. I think it's just a good example of how uptight people get about this subject. I was surprised that it was just the morning after pill-I could see if it was the RU-486 pill which will cause an abortion, that this pharmacist would object to prescribing. I just wonder if this pharmacist in Texas was so uptight when he was going to college which I doubt. He probably found religion and now thinks he must save everyone.

  • Scully

    Atilla writes:

    It turns out that the woman had just been raped and was then forced to go to another pharmacy where her prescription was subsequently filled.

    There's something not quite right about this.

  • Atilla

    Here is one of many websites that you can find this story and this is a prolife website:

    P.S. first time putting link in, not sure if it will work, but if you go to the and do a basic search, you should be able to find.

  • Atilla
  • Scully

    "A pharmacist is obliged to fill a prescription if it is a valid, legal prescription," Gallagher said. "We do not make exceptions for any moral, religious or ethical concerns with regard to filling the prescription."

    She said Eckerd's employment manual says pharmacists may not opt out of filling drug scripts for religious or moral reasons. Herr told AP he was unaware of the policy until informed of it shortly before he lost his job.

    "In my mind if I agree to work for someone knowing that that's their policy, then I should submit to that policy. But I didn't even know about it," Herr indicated.

    He still has to respect the patient's autonomy and HER decisions. He broke the law by imposing his own moral and religious values on another person.

    Love, Scully

  • flower

    Its unbelievable to me how religionists feel they have the right to take away other peoples rights. Next thing you know a pharmacist will be asking to see a wedding ring or a marraige certificate before they will sell someone a condom. There is outrage over seeing a human female breast on tv and yet priests are given a slap on the wrist when they molest a child. A man can smack his wife around and get away with it for years, yet it is morally wrong and illegal for two people who actually love each other to get married......if they are both of the same gender.

    It all just proves to me that Religion, not money, is the root of all evil.

  • WhyNow2000

    Yes...the same way someone can sell or stock cigarettes at a grocery store.

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