Jesus of African Heritage. :)

by Record 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • asleif_dufansdottir

    Dude, we're all of African heritage.

  • bigboi

    Santa Claus is a black man.

  • simplesally

    Jesus was Aryan. Blond hair blue eyes......I saw his picture!


  • gespro

    asleif_dufandoittr says Dude, we're all of African heritage. Now that's beautiful. Next time you fill out a job app, I would like to see that on there, too. Or go to downtown Tuscon and proclaim that and see what kind of response you get. I'm referring to the brown to pitch black brethren like myself maybe hearing something like this for the first time and the first commentary isn't.. Wow, that's a different approach, It's 'I heard he was austrailian'. THAT is why I said what I did. Can I have a frikkin moment without a comment (I might've presumed derogatory?) to look at it without the theory being shot down? Probably after this posting I'll change my handle to 'Over-reaction Man'. What do you guys think?

  • nilfun

    Thing is, the theory wasn't shot down.

    I always thought how interesting it was to see Black folks worship a guy who looks like the lead singer of Nickleback -- without hesitation. His message was the important thing for them. They didn't reject Him based on his skin color.

    Now flip it. Does the same apply? I'm just askin'....

    Me, I am not even sure (open minded) if the Guy even existed. But whether He did or not isn't the important thing for me, thing I do know for sure...I know my Savior looks just like me.

  • asleif_dufansdottir

    >Now that's beautiful. Next time you fill out a job app, I would like to see that on there, too. Or go to downtown Tuscon and proclaim that and see what kind of >response you get. I'm not denying the realities of racism in the world today, or in the U.S. Besides, I couldn't make that fly anyway...I'm pretty darn white. I get all excited because I have 'a little color' on my legs, and my husband says, "put those away, you're blinding people!" I was referring to the fact that , as an anthropologist, I know that our original ancestors all came from Africa (there is more genetic diversity in Africa than there is in the rest of the world combined, I think that's kinda cool), and race is a cultural construct. We have more in common than we have differences. I think those differences should be something to be enjoyed, but that's not how it works yet, more's the pity. >Can I have a frikkin moment without a comment (I might've presumed derogatory?) to look at it without the theory being shot down? I wasn't shooting it down. H\I have no doubt that the historical Jesus (assuming he existed) was not someone who would make it through an airport without a body cavity search, or who could drive around in a luxury car without being pulled over by the cops. My comment was on the broader perspective that, "we're all humans, it shouldn't really matter what part of the globe we come from." Besides, I was agreeing with you (I guess it wasn't very obvious).

  • gespro

    >Can I have a frikkin moment without a comment (I might've presumed derogatory?) to look at it without the theory being shot down? I wasn't shooting it down. H\I have no doubt that the historical Jesus (assuming he existed) was not someone who would make it through an airport without a body cavity search, or who could drive around in a luxury car without being pulled over by the cops. Hey asleif, I was referring to Gumby who I felt (at the time) made light of the subject. I'm sorry, it's just that I'm still discovering how angry inside I am about all of this stuff. In the past, I would champion anyone who was down trodden. Now I'm having a hard look at the effects slavery had on those of color in the States and religion played a role in our submission. There are those that can explain this better than I can. I can only lash out in anger at this point. Maybe I'll have it together enough to explain myself one day... g

  • asleif_dufansdottir

    Hey, no problem. Trust me, I empathize...I'm the same way about women being abused and belittled, and people who joke about it or say it doesn't happen, or that those who object are 'over-reacting'.

  • grows1

    I don't care what color Jesus was. All I do care about is that He died for me and His blood covers my multitude of sins.

  • Record

    What? Ex- Witnesses!!!! Is there such a thing? I figure if the Gospel has touched your lives it will always be there whether you choose to be a par of an organization or not. :) Glad all found the article interesting. Indeed Jesus died for everyone, and I feel it's honorable if we raise issues of the way he was crucified (cross or stake? Main thing was he was stabbed in the side and starving and he chose to leave planet earth) to raise issue of his accurate depiction and do it justice. Better yet, it would've been best to spread the teachings and not the image in the literature distributed on the behalf of Gospel awareness. Many thanks to all that have viewed this thread. Peace and love brothers and sisters.

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