Jim: A Life with AIDS

by Lady Lee 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Jim: A Life With AIDS
    Author: June Callwood Published By: Key Porter Books Trade Paperback ISBN:0886192242
    Published: April 2002 (originally published in 1988)

    The link doesn't seem to be working but if you get to the site do an advanced searh using the ISBN number

    Not too many people know about this book but it is certainly an interesting read. Jim was a raised as a JW. He was DFed and shunned by his family and contracted AIDS.

  • Scully

    I remember seeing an interview with "Jim" on Canada AM in 1988 when he first went public with his story.

    Even though I was a JW in good standing at the time, his story moved me to tears, especially the profound "aloneness" he conveyed regarding being DFd and having a terminal illness.

    Love, Scully

  • mouthy

    June was interveiwed on T.V, about all the books she had written ,which was her best.... She replied -"I had no best sellers," but the book that MOVED her most was "JIM". She said she will never forget what a wonderful person he was. He was the longest living "aids" patient in Canada ( at the time) he was a Television "STAR" coming on TV to tell about unsafe sex...She said he did more to help folk become aware of "Aids" than anyone ( at that time)When she talked about one visit she had with Jim. He was sitting having lunch with his Teddy Bear- because he had NO ONE to talk to -she mentioned he was a Jehovahs Witness,but NO ONE IN HIS RELIGION WOULD TALK TO HIM!!!! NOT EVEN HIS PARENTS!! she at that time was a unbeliever( dont know what she is now) but she said that was a very poor attitude as far as SHE was cooncerned for any who were supposed to be following a GOD of love.... She opened a "HELP HOUSE" for him....Sorry to ramble but I feel the WT was one of the culprits in HIS life


    Yes, I read this book.

    It was the first book I read about a former Jehovah's Witness.

    Jim was the man who sat at the back of the Kingdom Hall I attended in Etobicoke, back in 1983. After I read the book, I finally remember who 'that' man was.

    I remember hearing about him on what was once one of Canada's national news networks: CKO Radio.

    I was only 4 years outside of the Witnesses, but I accidentally tuned into this program, and I remember listening to Jim speak. It was sad really. (1988)

    When I read the book: it was like reading a chapter out of my own life.

    By the time I had contacted my first ex-JWs (1992), Jim had passed away the year before.

    Truly sad. The story, well...is depressing, yet true.

    June Calwood is probably one of my favourite Canadians, and her writings are always, provocative.

    If you can, read this story. It's quite moving, in fact...well...I know people who knew Jim. One of my dearest friends (exjw), who lives in Vancouver, met Jim, and met June Calwood as well.

    The book is something another former JW can relate to.

  • orangefatcat

    Razorblade I think I may have met Jim. Was he ever in the Parkdale region of Toronto. Because I met this person at the home of a Jehovah's witnesses. My friend was in no way a strong JW, she would never take being pushed around by elders and she didn' t hesitate for one minute to tell them off. She always invited witnesses that seemed to be unhappy in the religion and were not strong spiritually.

    So this is where I believe I may have met him. Because I remember my friend telling me that her friend Jim was dying from aids and had no one in his life and she thought it was terrible that he would have to sit in the back of the hall and other witnesses wouldn't bother with him nor his family. I am sure this must be the same fellow. He visited my friend and when I was at her home this is where I met Jim. I found him to be charming and yet quiet. I am thinking it must be the same person. Wendy my friend went to his funeral. Maybe you knew Wendy Harris , she lived on Dunn. and then in a old home on Jamison I think, you come off the Gardner express way at Jamison and it was a block to her home going north. Are you fimiliar with the area. Her husbands name was Jeff and they had three kids. Please let me know. I would love to think I had indeed met this fellow Jim. I know I was saddened when I had heard of his death.

    Love Orangefatcat...Orange

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I am glad so many of you know Jim or have read the book.

    After meeting June Callwood I found the book in a store and bought it not knowing that Jim had been a JW. How sad.

    It seems the book has been republished in 2002 by a new publisher. I wonder if there is an afterword about Jim. Anyone know?

  • mouthy

    but I accidentally tuned into this program, No my darling RAY!! It was not by accident your "daddy" wanted you to see it. It was by Command performance for one of HIS children....( ducking from Rays foot LOL

  • lollydawdle

    Razorblade, I borrowed the book from mouthy, but I'm happy to say that it is in our library. A very touching and moving story of Jim. I was sad to hear of his death. Never saw him on tv, didn't even know of him until last year when I read the book. How JW's can think that what they do to others mentally, emotionally and psychologically by shunning is "Christian" is reprehensible. Jesus Christ never shunned, was compassionate to all, even to one considered to be the lowest of the low, a leper. Where's that lesson in their WT study?

  • mouthy

    Where is razor???????

  • Atilla

    Too bad he has AIDS but atleast he is free from the society. I haven't read the story and I'm not sure when or how he got AIDS but unfortunately, the Society and R&F members will try to use Jim's story as an example of why you should stay in the organization. They will say, see the world if filled with heathens and danger, stay with us and live.

    I wonder if Jim ever got reinstated if he could become an elder with AIDS or atleast handle the microphones?

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