Should private citizens be allowed to video record law enforcement?

by Fisherman 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fisherman

    I saw an article in the news yesterday that laws are going to be passed subjecting the police to being recorded by anyone while performing their duty or enforcing the law and encourages citizens to sue if they interfere. Some law enforcement agents become angry and confiscate recording devices from people recording them while making an arrest, etc.

    It does seem that the work that the police and other government agents do is public and not private or confidential so there should be nothing to hide from the cameras. On the other hand, how can one distinguish being shot by a camera or by a weapon until one is hit?

  • jp1692

    As long as they aren’t interfering, yes. Absolutely yes!

  • JakeM2012

    They had their own body cams, why shouldn't a citizen?

  • _Morpheus

    Absolutely i think they should. In the usa many localities are giving police body cameras (DC is one such city). Video isnt always conclusive but man it makes me feel better that i have a camera on my dahsboard.

    My son was pulled over in a routine traffic stop a few weeks ago (rightly so, he was speeding). He called me and put me on speaker. Initially the officer was being a bit unprofessional dispite my son being over the top polite, knowing i was listening. . Once i spoke up (through Bluetooth fed to my sons car radio) and assured the officer my son would cooperate and mentioned my backround the encounter turned 180 degrees and ended positively. I doubt it would have ended negatively had i not been on speaker but it would have been less than positive.

    Video can have the same effect. People are on their best behavior when they know they are on the record. Officers are under a lot of stress doing a very tough job and if a video camera helps them stay focused and make better decisions then i am 100% for it. If force is justified then it protected the officer and if not then the citizenry needs to be protected from that officer. Hard to see a downside.

  • pbrow

    Here in the sconnie nation, city of madison, about two years ago a 18 or 19 year old was being less then cooperative and and got taken to the ground pretty hard and punched a couple of times. Deservedly so in my opinion but I was surprised how nonchalant the officers were about the people recording the episode on cameras. Even saying something to the effect of "you can record but please move out of the way"

    The problem with watching videos after the fact is you cannot get the full sense of what is happening in the moment. Its easy to replay and second guess after the fact.

    I am of the opinion that the public should be able to record so Ill give you a plus one


  • FedUpJW

    Should private citizens be allowed to video record law enforcement?

    HELL YES!!

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic
    how can one distinguish being shot by a camera or by a weapon until one is hit?

    Are you serious? You really think someone - especially police officers who go through years of training - can't tell the difference between a cell phone and a fire arm? Do you think every time a cop is standing in line at the grocery store and someone pulls out their cell phone the cop instinctively reaches for their gun? Do you think that bank clerks hit their panic button when you pull out your cell phone at the teller window?

    What kind of question is this???

  • WTWizard

    How else are people going to hold officers accountable for abuse? Or, to stop what is an officer from doing the job from becoming a race baiting incident (thanks, CNN) and starting a riot because the lamestream media documents only the part of the story that fits this agenda? If ordinary people are allowed to video the whole incident and post it to the Internet, a cop could be sued or even charged with a crime for capriciously arresting someone and needlessly damaging property. Also, if people have access to the whole story, George Soros and its race baiting lamestream media would have less ability to start riots, and the riots would be seen for what they are: Acts of war against indigenous people, not demands for real justice.

  • HereIgo

    Absolutely, we should be allowed to film. Police officers are public servants. Additionally, one does not have an expectation of privacy while out in public.

  • millie210


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