Another question for our gay members

by RubyTuesday 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • RubyTuesday

    Only gay or pro-gay members answer this that things don't "get out of control".

    What is your definition bashing?

    I am very sincere about this...really want to know, I promise not to comment.

  • Rick Aust
    Rick Aust

    I',m not gay, just happy. will I do?

  • RubyTuesday

    that was cute! Ya, you'll do in a pinch.

  • Rick Aust
    Rick Aust

    I was once bashed for being a Woman...... she was wearing Boots and Stockings with Suspenders..and she had a whip too...

    Actually now that i remember... I liked it

  • shamus

    Asking derogatory questions with double meanings is one; not that that's happened lately, this thread or others lately are not "gay bashing" in my opinion.

    I think that lots of gay people are pretty sick of those kinds of threads and that's why you don't see them here anymore. They've moved on to other forums that specialize in gay ex-jehovahs witnesses.

    Kicking the shit out of someone is gay bashing, though it doesn't happen too often in larger cities anymore.

  • CountryGuy
    What is your definition bashing?


    Purposely taking basic human dignity away from someone just because they are gay. This can be done physically or verbally.


  • MegaDude

    I think gay bashing is posting a lot of useless negative rhetoric about gays in a derrogatory manner. Posting your views in opposition to homosexuality isn't gay bashing in my opinion. But, again, it comes down to the intent of the poster in what they post.

  • shamus
    it comes down to the intent of the poster in what they post.


    Gay bashers are people who know they are gay bashers and people who secretly "laugh" at people by posting ridiculous threads and making ridiculous statements.

    One example:

    I dont' hate gay people; I don't wish them any ill will. I tolerate them.

    Substitute black with the above statement and you get a crystal clear idea what a gay basher is.

  • jst2laws


    I dont' hate gay people; I don't wish them any ill will. I tolerate them.

    Substitute black with the above statement and you get a crystal clear idea what a gay basher is.

    Hmmm, Shamus. I have always paid a little more attention to your threads but didn't comment much. Can't pass this one up. You are RIGHT ON.


  • shamus


    Most of my threads are utter crap; I'll readily admit that.

    I am not asking for anyone's acceptance; I am only asking to be treated like a human being.

    I don;t cut the lawn in a tu-tu.

    I don't kiss my husband good-bye, outside, wearing a neglige... (sp)

    I don't hump every gay man I see.

    I don't molest children.

    I don't go to gym's to see other men naked in the lockerroom.

    I don't make sex jokes at work.

    I don't preach gay lifestyle.

    I don't skip to work with pansies in my hair.

    I don't go through 50 packs of condoms every week.

    I don't have aids.

    I don't like anal sex. (what? but he's a queer??? )

    I don't like any of those stereo-types. If you were my neighbour you would probably be suprised that I was a homosexual (aka, "sodomite", LOL!)

    So maybe all of the gay bashers should shift they're attention to someone else, like calling developmentally challeneged individuals or some other minority group things; after all, they'res a whole world out there with individuals with differences that can be picked on.

    BTW, just2laws, that wasn't my statement that you quoted. That was another poster that caught my attention, and said that to one of the latest gay bashers.

    Love, shamus (skipping down the street, in a dress, hairy, and with daisies in my goldie-lox hair)


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