Oh one more thing, I remembered wife saying, said speaker at yesterdays meeting mentioned that "thousands and thousands, of jdubs were killed ny the nazis. Can you believe it, wish he had of checked with the watchtower observer and really seen just how many thousands of thousands equated to. I guess you don't have to tell the truth there you just have to keep repeating liesk, because if you tell a lie long enough it eventually will sound like the truth. Buff
thousands and thousands killed by nazis
by buffalosrfree 13 Replies latest jw friends
How many were killed by the nazi's?...I do not know
Yours dig
Think not about trying to add days to your life, but instead think about adding life to your days.
It has been a long time but I had heard that the actualy number was only somewhere between 800-900.
The WT simply took that number and blew it way out of proportion. They want to make it look like they suffered as much as the Jews and gypsies did.
GIVE me a break...
Hugs to all of you, I love you all!
Your question was "how many were killed"?
Well that dedends on how the WTS wants to spin things, i.e. if they are trying to show how those german JW's were protected by God well the number would go way down[ this was the spin back in the early 70"s , I think maybe the 74 yearbook put the number around 200
. Now though it seems to be a numbers game with more creditibility and honor if the numbers are higher and that seems to be the case here.
jeffory -
Shaun's site from which Kent quotes from says 838 according to the 74 WT. However, I think Shaun is wrong. The 74 WT says a total of 635 died in prison, 253 scheduled to be executed and 203 were actually executed. So Based on the sentence, the total in prison that died were 635. Thus, I am of the opinion that the 203 are incorporated in the 635 and thus 635 died and not 838 as Shaun's site says.
Either way that was way to many people to have died for some judge standing up to some evil dictator. The other thing to keep in mind is that unlike the Jews, all a dub had to do was renounce his/her faith and that dub would have been set free ..... I wonder how many Jews, Russians and Gypies wished they had that option.
hawk (who hates war)
One of the websites has a article on Jdubs and Hitler (maybe Kent's, I will look it up tonight). I believe that it includes the various numbers that the dubs have claimed died at the hands of Hitler.
I'm sure that if you actually try to pin them down on a number that they will claim that "it was only some brothers and sisters running ahead of the organization."
Slipnslidemaster: I thought you said your dog doesn't bite? That isn't my dog!
Kent's stuff is found at the above site I quoted. It gives an excellent history from 1950's up to March 2001 as to how the numbers have changed.
I remember in a yearbook a number of years ago the number was given as 253.
Thanks hawkaw, that's the one then.
Slipnslidemaster: I thought you said your dog doesn't bite? That isn't my dog!
No problem.
On thing that always strikes me as kinda odd is how the witnesses get a plate at the table in all of this. Consider the "final solution" was aimed at the jews. Over 2/3rds were wiped out. 3 million (that's 3,000,000) were killed in the gas chambers compared to 203 witnesses that were actually executed by Nazis. Consider all poles and slavics (we are talking millions here folks) were considered inferior to the Germans. The catholic priests in Poland were locked up and sent to the same camps as the JWs. There were over 3 million Russian prisoners. ( http://www.ushmm.org/topics) And a lot of these folks died by the 1,000s if not 1,000,000s compared to 635.
And yet here I am talking about execution of 203 people that could have walked away any time. Oddly those witnesses of yesteryear believed in apostate teachings. It seems today's leadership has really conned a lot of people into beliving it was worse than it it really was. Never mind the fact Rutherford actually supported Hitler in the beginning. And in reality those 203 that executed died for the same usless reasons as the people in Malawi Africa died for.
hawk (WAR - We Are Right - WAR)