Playing Catch up

by Zoewrex 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Zoewrex

    ALL - It's been months since I've been here. My family & I moved from NYC to Texarkana, TX and are currently looking for a house to buy. I can not believe how stressful it was to live in a city that's constantly on the 'let's bomb' radar. Needless to say that's not the problem here. With us out of the area my parents haven't really made an effort to contact us and with their increased JW involvement I really can't blame them. Well, I'm back to catching up with all your lives. Thank you all for your prayers, support, love, good vibes and groovy karma.


  • Special K
    Special K

    That's quite a move you made...

    Hope things settle down for you there. Are you in a city again .. or country life?


    Special K

    ps... and we missed ya..

  • Valis

    Whoa Tracy...that is quite a change for you...its a long way from the big apple to country fried living...*LOL* Welcome back!


    District Overbeer

  • Zoewrex

    I'm still in a bit of shock after leaving. Sure I lived in TX before, but we're 30 minutes from Texarkana and so I consider it country. However, there are dirt roads that prove otherwise. The city here is cute and we're looking to buy there since it's closer to Jaret's work.

    1st weekend here I was SO excite to have a pizza and Shiner Bock (Tx brewed beer), I went to the two grocery stores and thought it odd why they didn't have a beer sign around. I picked up the pizza and went to the gas station knowing damn well they'll know where I can get beer.

    'You're not frum here, arrrreewe?' - said big guy with overalls and a slow East Tx twang

    'No. Where can I get beer?' - I said in that quick NY like talk

    'Wellll, thiss a drrry county. You'll have to go to Arkansas to ghethat.' - said the guy

    I mumbled 'Thanks' as I picked my jaw up off the sans beer

    In plain english, I can't buy beer, wine or anything of that sort here in Bowie (pronounced booie) County and have to go to Arkansas or another county to get a TX BEER! Tales of more faux pas' will come

  • Special K
    Special K

    So your moving has been a very sobering experience I

    special k

  • Sassy

    Nice to see you post again Zoewrex!

  • Zoewrex

    Sad to say Special K - it has

    Thanks Sassy & Valis

  • Valis

    Zoew...y'all should hop on the train and come on down for a weekend! You will respect our hospitalitii!


    District Overbeer

  • Zoewrex

    THANKS Valis - may just do that. I'm thinking of taking the little girl to Shrevport, LA for Fat Tuesday. AND I may even trade the VW Wagon in for a TRUCK! WOW! Are you located in Dallas?

  • Valis

    yup, along with all the other Apostates...all the x's live in Texas...


    District Overbeer

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