Walter. I see that moniker "EtobicokeNiceGuy", went down the crapper! LOL
I need to get a life
by DazedAndConfused 39 Replies latest jw friends
We all do things that may not be understood by others. But, I tried to go under a new name because of personal reasons. If I were to do that for reasons that are bad I could understand others being upset. But I didn't. I did it because for me it was best. I meant no harm to others.
Up until now, I didn't think there was a problem. Up until now, I thought Slimon and the Moderator's were fair. Until now I thought that must be anyone who has gotten deleted had to do with thier own action.
Dazed ...
We certainly can empathize with you. At one time or another, we too have experienced such feelings and frustrations. Living as we do in the final days of this system of things, we are under increasing pressures from all sides. What can we really expect when we see the turmoil in the world today? We need do no more than turn on the TV or open the newspaper and see the worsening conditions we all must endure.
As a newly appointed Master Member, I feel that it would be in everyones best interest here on the board that we have a better understanding of the situation and provide appropriate, loving council in a timely manner.
So perhaps another brother and I could stop by this Wednesday evening. Let's say 7 o'clock. We look forward to seeing you.
***** Rub a Dub
You are definately right Dazed, if something is affecting you this deeply to the point of making you cry; then maybe you should step back for a moment and take a break. It's not good getting worked up about something so trivial as an on-line message board.
Oh, and by far, the actions of a message board do not change/alter the truth about the JW's. If by your research into the practices of moderation, etc of this board you feel uneasy, then maybe you should make a decision to take a break/leave this board just like we all did with the cult we were a part of?
Don't confuse, it's not my purpose to be callouse (sp?) but I certainly am that of the opinion to try and find happiness in one's life, since it's so short. In the end, is it worth it to shed tears or be in anguish over a message board?
That's just my opinion. I hope things get sorted out properly for you and that you feel better, though. :-)
I can understand the no duplicate account thing--does that mean one person using 2 different posting names?
Yes! And that's all! Last month or so someone made a joke using another screen name and all hell broke loose, so we just don't do it for that reason. Simple to me and I'm sorry if DazedAndConfused got caught in any confusion, but that is what happened. At least we CAN hash it out, but it takes a little bit productive dialogue and some common reasoning if we're gonna work it all out in public or private. My two cents.
District Overbeer
Dazed. How about LMAO ?
RubADub, That sounds good to me. Apparrently I need some correction. Maybe you can send me in the right direction.
You are too good to be in this position. You are a good man at heart. My opinion is that you get out and run as fast as you can.
This it very sad to see.Being humans we all make mistakes and there are going to be misunderstandings between people.I though for one am glad that there is this forum and appreciate those who take their time to see that this continues to be a place we can come to and vent and meet others who feel similar.
Thankyou !!!!!!!!! Kat
Dazed -
I'm sorry if you felt attacked in the other thread, and I am also sorry that your account was messed up and you felt you needed to create a new account. This is obviously a big mix-up. Just please know that there have been people from other boards coming over here to stir up the pot, and quite frankly, I am sick up to my eyeballs with it. When I saw that FairGame had been a member for over 2 years and only had 20 posts - and then was asking about deletion rules - it sent up a huge red flag. There has been a lot of bitching around here lately about accounts and deletions and censoring and all things related. IMHO, this is NOT our board, and it is NOT our place to question Simon - at least publically. I have a serious pet peeve about people who want to air their differences in public - it says to me that they are trying to gain support for their own reasons with the hopes of causing further dissentions. Please forgive me for my accusations in the other thread - and understand why they were made. In the meantime, please understand that publically airing these types of questions in the future will probably get you the same results - pm is ALWAYS the best choice.
I hope you get your account sorted out and that you are not seriously considering going back to the dubs. It wouldn't take you more than an hour to regret your decision.