so many took offense to the above statement - many took it as disbelief in the individual pain experienced - not my intent - used "alleged" because far as i am concerned i am hearing only one side of the story
Well then you shouldn't be throwing around loaded words like that. If you'd been raped as a child, and someone talked about that event in your past as an "alleged" event, how would you feel? Try wearing the other person's shoes for a change, or alternatively find a way of putting your thoughts across with more tact - a lot of the people here have been very badly traumatized in the past, and for you to blithely dismiss their lives with words like "alleged" isn't very responsible or mature.
if i based a conclusion on only the many testimonials here i would be a fool - for all i know some of u may only act as formers jws and with the intent of drawing others to your "flock"
Hmmm. This is where things start to get interesting. I love the smell of troll in the morning! Which testimonial would you prefer - child abuse survivors, or the smooth, slick PR front put up by the Society against known facts? If somebody were to punch you in the face and you went to the police about it, how would you feel if they dismissed your bruises as only "your side of the story"?
might sound absurd but u never know
Well these people do know, and through personal experience.
my observation that u are all in a weird place right now is simply that, an honest observation, am i not entitled to it?
A weird place...hmmm...this is a place where people come for comfort, companionship, and sometimes for a bit of fun, but I certainly wouldn't classify it as weird. A lot of the time the people here act as a giant support group, which is a wonderful thing, in my opinion. You simply don't seem to understand the deeper effects that exiting a cult has on people.
some of you have said , "you have no right" - but i think i do - just as you have rights to ignore my ramblings or disagree with them - and why would any of u assume i have no experience - just because it appears by my questions that i don't know your pain - well, i actually don't but not for lack of experience with jws
Your meaning is unclear here. How can you understand where we're coming from without having been in a similiar situation? Or without at least having done a bit of research?