Seedy, Smyler, I can remember those days! <sigh> I owned my own horse and so, all the shit shoveling, etc. was my exclusive job! I had muscles like a man............could throw 100 lb. bales of hay around like they were nothing..............50 lbs. of grain, up on the shoulder and walk up to the barn........................ah, the good, YOUNG, days................then, at 16, I got a job at McD's..........worked there for 5 years. That job was HARD!! We did all our own adding, etc., no fancy computers where you push a button..............and, we had to keep constantly busy, no standing around. It was good experience, and when I later applied for work, employers were always impressed that I'd put five years in there.
Terri, of the two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, on a sesame seed bun Class!