To all congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses Feb 18, 2004
RE: Important changes and announcements
Dear Brothers,
As the time grows closer to the end, and the light gets brighter continually, we are hereby informing you of the following changes within the Society's arrangements. In our continued research of the scriptures and Jehovah's Holy Spirit directing matters on new events, the Governing Body along with the Watchtower Bible and Tract society has made the following changes;
1. Since at one time the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, used to be a voluntary member of the UN in the capacity of an NGO (non governing organization). We have recently withdrawn such status. What this meant was, that our organization at one time wanted access to the library of the UN, in order to obtain information as to their structure and continued progress. As observers of world events, we felt we had to keep up to date with current events. In reviewing the requirements for memberships with the UN, it has become painfully obvious that the requirements for such an entity was something that we as christians could not comply with any longer. And therefore, we have promptly withdrawn the status with the UN as an NGO. We are currently corresponding with the UN to remove our current listing with them, as we are aware that we are still listed officially with them on their members list. We apologize to all of you for having made such a decision 10 years ago, and are working hard to do things Jehovah's way.
2. We are hereby also liquidating our stocks in companies that are affiliated in war fare. As we felt the need to invest our finances wisely, in order to contribute toward funds, in the interest of kingdom progress. We have come to the realization that we no longer conscientiously can invest in any such companies making aforesaid implements. And hereby apologize to all of Jehovah's Witnesses for having made such decision at that time.
3. We are also now taking serious steps to report to the authorities any and all crimes committed within Jehovah's organization. There have been reported instances, in where certain christians have been abusers of children. This is a crime, and will no longer be tolerated in the organization. Such behavior is unchristian. Therefore the elders have been sent letters as to how to proceed, when such reports are investigated. And the elders are hereby urged to report to the authorities immediately any and all crimes with individuals who are involved in such cases.
As we have researched the scriptures, we have prayerfully concluded that 'not taking our brothers to court', no longer applies to major crimes and offenses, but to minor disagreements between brothers, and should lovingly be worked out in line with Matt 28.
We again apologize for having taken these matters in our own hands at times.
We are happy to announce that, we will have several study articles in the Watchtower, dealing with aforesaid points, in order to shed more and indept light on these matters. It is our wish that all will take heed of this important notice, and immediate changes. The elders are encouraged to comply hereby, with the instructions as set forth in the letter to the elders, dated Feb 1, 2004.
Be assured of our warm and christian love,
Your Brothers,
The Governing Body
Concluding song and prayer should NOT commence this Service Meeting, since we all hang our heads in shame. Following the reading of this letter, this letter should be immediately posted on the announcement board for all to review.
There, is that so hard to do ? When will they apologize? We have been spoon fed for so long, is it our turn to spoon feed them? When will they get it and how long must these things go on?