Vanderhoven7; If the child is working and have a goal it's great to be there for them, cost of living is a lot different from when I was young. It's rough for young ones especially if they were raised in the borg....My son a project manager for a large electric firm, but paying 2000 a month for rent makes it hard to save for a down payment to buy a home.
Living with Your Parents Well Into Adulthood the Norm?
by Sorry 31 Replies latest jw experiences
Are you in the US? I think this matters a lot.I've noticed that in Europe and other places, the culture is such that it's common and even expected to be with you parents until you get married.
In the US, usually the expectation is that you move out fairly early. A lot of kids end up moving out as part of the college experience. They leave home to live on campus and then when they are finished they transition to an apartment. Many times they go back home as times get tough.
From my experience with the JWs, they tend to stay with their parents. In fact, many people don't look favorably when single JWs move out on their own. -
"Why get a job when Jehovah will bless you for putting him first?" he says.
Many JWS did that decades ago and Jah didn't show up, leaving many sick and impoverished, which goes to show living in delusional fantasies bares dire consequences.
Many lives have faltered by believing the tainted commercialized Gospel created by the Watchtower Corporation.
Maybe things have changed a lot in the last 35 years, but when I graduated from HS I would have loved to move out of my parents home, but that was not a choice I had. It also had absolutely nothing to do with finances either. As a "female" I was required to stay home and pioneer until I married a spiritual man that my parents approved of. Most of my JW girlfriends were in the exact same boat.....And for some crazy reason we just blindly obeyed (cause that's what you do)
It could be that the 3 woman mentioned in the original OP are not allowed to leave home until they find a spiritual husband.
It was a cultural shock for me coming to live in Brazil from the U.S. The general rule of thumb here is to live at home until you are married. Some decide to move out but the norm here is to live together as a family until you start your own family. It's not mooching either. The adult kids have good jobs.
My youngest son lived with me up into his late 20's but it was more of a 'roommate' situation and mutually beneficial to both of us. Having been widowed at 42 and just coming out of jwdom with no savings and having to scrabble to keep a roof overhead I was pretty much in the same boat as any young person. When I read of assembly parts like those mentioned above it strikes me as to why they cling to their fairy tale so tightly. Reality must be truly terrifying! Although it has been hard at times for me and my kids, we have made a pretty good life for ourselves, albeit a lower income life because of missed opportunities. The GB are promoting what is mostly a very unsustainable life and future for their adherents. Sad....
I agree with you that the bad economic times are responsible for many young adults living with their parents. While this is true for all groups, I have no doubt Witnesses are over represented in this category.
I'm sure they are told to stay home and pioneer and "Jehovah will bless them for putting him first". I always wondered what this was supposed to mean?.. If it means that the suckers in the congregation are going to give them money, I'm glad I'm not there to be asked.
As somebody who was criticized and marginalized for having a full-time job, I never gave a dime to these pioneers!
I was the type of JW they frowned upon because I was independent and supported myself and had my own place. Their disapproval of me was palpable, especially as I'm female.
Well, too bad about them and I'm so glad I'm away from their insanity and appeals for money.
I was the only one in my family that left at 18. My four sisters all remained at home until till they were all in their mid-20s before getting married and moving out.
I know many witnesses that are still leaving with parents who are well past 30.
What would trump say? GET EM OUT!
When I was a jw teen, my top goal in life was to get my own place and escape my abusive home situation. When I was 18, I tried hard to get other jw girls to be my roommates because I couldn't afford rent by myself. I was taken to task by an elder for doing this. He said I was to stop discussing this matter with my peers immediately. lol. This was one of the moments that prompted me to leave the borg.
My own jw mother confiscated my $ and banned me from working full time. I finally got a job that paid cash so I could hide my income, and got my own bank account w/o her name on it. She was fully intent on marrying me off to get pregnant soon so I would turn into an obedient person. LOL. That just made me run away faster.
At the last circuit assembly I attended she was once again hauled up on stage at 36 years of age, to talk about having taken a stand in high school by refusing an invitation from a "worldly" boy to go to the Prom.
This may be one of the saddest stories I've heard. She said no to a date, big whoop. Hauling this chick out 10 years later to keep bragging about it is so bizarre.
We've had to move in with my Mom a couple times due to work/financial reasons.
Happens to everybody.