Blizzard hits Atlantic Canada

by talesin 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin

    I woke up to a winter wonderland this morning.

    Smack-dab in the middle of a nor-easter. Our first blizzard this year! 100kph winds, we already have 25cm of snow and supposed to receive 25 more. (for the Yanks, that's about 65 mph and total snowfall of over 10 inches).

    I hope everyone down here is safe and cozy - stay off the roads!


  • Mary

    Hi Talesin;

    Yep I just heard it on the news........I guess we're supposed to be getting another frigging snow storm here in Ontario tonight. After all, it's been a whole week since we had one.

    I think Canada and the States should be split vertically instead of horizontally. That way, we Canucks would at least have some option of moving somewhere WARM!!

    Now get your lazy ass out the door and go out in Service. Seeing as everyone's at home today, just think of all the bible studies you could start!!

  • Special K
    Special K

    Hey Talesin......thought I'd pop in before the power gets zonked...

    Nova Scotia has just declared a state of Emergency......

    We are receiving more snow in one day than all the snow fall accumulation in February..

    over 40 cm in some areas.


    At present the 103 series highway has been declared impassable...


    Plows have been stopped and are on the look out for stranded cars...


    Found 6 stranded up along east coast....not far from me.


    Neighbours have been asked to go check other neighbours....


    All all set...........wood fire is burning to heat up the house to the max..incase the power goes off.....bathtub is full of water for emergency flushing...


    I'm sending my 17 year old young fella across to check on my neighbour..(the one with the brain cancer)... to let them know we are here for case of emergency.


    I'm cooking up some food, to have on hand..

    I can't even see out my windows.. what a blizzard .. Horizontal snow.


    I'm bunkered down with my 3 kids...

    sincerely waiting out the storm...

    Special K


  • talesin


    FS, hahaha - so happy to be one who can just enjoy the peace of the storm - never again!

    Special K

    I hope you ride out the storm well - I knew the plows had been hauled off - hadn't heard about the 'state of emergency'

    I'll be going out this afternoon to do a scriptwriting / brainstorming session - just across the Commons, if you know where I mean.

    Let us know how you make out ... hope you don't lose your power (AS IF, right?)


  • Sunnygal41

    Hey!!!! Any Nova Scotian Apostates who wanna come down to CT for a break can do so!!! I visited your wonderful spot a few years ago and fell in LOVE! My ex and I did the whole thing by car..........came across on the Ferry from Portsmouth and stayed for 10 days! Almost considered moving up there! Still long to go back and about unspoiled beauty..........and, never saw so many insects as when we were leaving Peggy's Cove at dusk! Turned the wipers on and our whole windshield was just GUCK!!!! Also, the SMELL of FRESH AIR! First time I ever saw bald eagles and we got them on tape! My favorite part of the whole trip was Cape Breton!


  • talesin


    I'm happy you enjoyed NS so much. CT is a pretty state as well, so close to NYC, with some lovely villages and very well-tended.

    Re the eagles - about 20 years ago, a program was started here to help 'save' the bald eagle. We now have a huge population of them. A 'gift' to our American cousins.

    Yes, Cape Breton is spectacular - especially the Cabot Trail in the Highlands. Did you visit Halifax? Come again anytime!


  • rocketman

    *Gets out conversion chart for cm to inches*

    Looks like some areas are getting over 16 inches.

    I guess this is from the same low pressure system that affected the mid-Atlantic states a couple days ago.

    Accuweather is calling it a "Maritime Mauler"

  • talesin

    Hey, Rocketman

    Nice to 'see' you! How goes it?

    My neighbour's cars are now buried - the sidewalks are waist-high. Only problem being - no one to play with.


  • shera

    I'm bored.

  • JH

    Go play in the snow Shera.

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