Hey Talesin......thought I'd pop in before the power gets zonked...
Nova Scotia has just declared a state of Emergency......
We are receiving more snow in one day than all the snow fall accumulation in February..
over 40 cm in some areas.
At present the 103 series highway has been declared impassable...
Plows have been stopped and are on the look out for stranded cars...
Found 6 stranded up along east coast....not far from me.
Neighbours have been asked to go check other neighbours....
All all set...........wood fire is burning to heat up the house to the max..incase the power goes off.....bathtub is full of water for emergency flushing...
I'm sending my 17 year old young fella across to check on my neighbour..(the one with the brain cancer)... to let them know we are here for them...in case of emergency.
I'm cooking up some food, to have on hand..
I can't even see out my windows.. what a blizzard .. Horizontal snow.
I'm bunkered down with my 3 kids...
sincerely waiting out the storm...
Special K