I understand that enough topsoil is lost from an area sufficent 2 feed Europe population in a year.
At the rate soil degradation is happening,do U think the human will B able 2 feed itself in the future?
by badboy 15 Replies latest jw friends
I understand that enough topsoil is lost from an area sufficent 2 feed Europe population in a year.
At the rate soil degradation is happening,do U think the human will B able 2 feed itself in the future?
Never mind the future............we can start doing something now. One of the ways is by clicking on this link:
In the years leading up to the unconformation of Fred Franz' prophecy about 1975, the WTS had a great time quoting
from a book with the appealing title "FAMINE - 1975".
The book was as much an embarrassment to it's authors as the failure of the 1975 prophecy was to the WTS.
Earth's population has increased since 1975, and food production has increased as well.
People who predict the end of the world are full of high-quality fertilizer.
I think humanity won't be able to feed itself because in the places that are growing more food, the population isn't as high, and the people are fed properly.
However, in places like India and Bangledesh, there's an overpopulation problem and they need to curb it before they can't feed their people.
Also too, as a side note, Africa can't grow any food because all of it's citizens are dying of AIDS.
Since the 70's the chicken littles have been screaming about starving people and an inability to produce enough food. At the same time science has made so many advances in food production that countries who had to import food before are now exporting large amounts of excess food production. The Green revolution has produced an abundance of food in places where food has not readily grown before. There is hydroponics now. A relatively new industry that will further increase food availability and supply when it get into full swing. The Israeli's are leading the way in hydroponics and other food techlologies. Producing food is not so much the problem anymore it is the politics of countries that inhibits food production. People do not want to produce food if it is taken away from them to give to others as socialist countries do. Why work hard growing something when you don't get to eat any of it? The old USSR proved that when they allowed very small private plots to be farmed by people who were allowed to keep and sell what they produced on those private spaces. Food production on those private lots was many times what the state collectives were and sustained the soviet food economy for many years. Also many corrupt gov's use food as weapons against their enemies in their own countries and othe r countries. They don't have a problem starving their enemy and their enemies families. Look at Iraq during the embargo. The big shots got plenty of food (much of it donated food thru the UN) but they let many Iraqi's starve as a political tool.
Just a quick note regarding the site I posted..............it's free! You don't have to send money! Just by going there, every day, and clicking on the button, you authorize food to go to feed someone. The businesses that support the site pay for the food. So, just go and click!
With soil being lost every,how will the human race feed itself.
In a couple of decades (and possibly sooner), soil degradation is going to be the least of our worries.
What use is soil if you don't have the energy (i.e. petroleum) you need to get your crops to market?
Erosian from de-forestisation is a major cause of damage to top soil and the resulting flooding damages crops too.
If we fed ourselves a vegetarian diet we'd save a lot of natural rescources as we need so
much more arable land to support animals than arable crops.Organic farming is an ffective,
sustainable method of crop cultivation.Top soil is precious and should be conserved and fed,
I hate seeing thousands of acres of mass produced crops saturated in chemicals-If its not organic it dos'nt pass my lips.
If farming methods were re-thought we'd be ok.We can easily feed the world- but the greed of the western world that wants
to eat out of season food is creating an imbalance that has terrible repercussions for the rest of the population.
I think greed is the problem-and we in the west eat far too much .