Yankee or Dixie?
by closer2fine 35 Replies latest jw friends
82% Dixie- born and bred in the deep south. Altho being from New Orleans I have been accused of being from Brooklyn at times and the North at other times.
I can't believe my score!!! I was born in CT and lived there and in New York State all my life! Yet, I only scored 41% Yankee!!!!! What's up with that??????????????
56% (Dixie). Barely into the Dixie category.
Lots of Pennsylvania terms there!
87% (Dixie). Did you have any Confederate ancestors?
Yay-is, I do and I was born in the heart of Dixie on the gulf coast.
Terri/Sunny, don't fret, using southern terms will only make you warmer sounding in your speech. Take it as compliment. I love the differences in dialect through out the country. I do find many northern dialects that lack warmth and soul. Some of them, such as those from New York city have character though.
74% Dixie..... YEE HAW!!!
35% (Yankee). A definitive Yankee.
45% (Yankee). Barely into the Yankee category. I was surprized they didn't have the option of picking 'you guys' when one addresses a group of people...I always use this from growing up in the midwest.
65% (Dixie). A definitive Southern score!
Scored 78% Dixie. I'm from Canada. How the hell did that happen?!