'God Bless You' When You Sneeze?

by willyloman 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • willyloman

    We're all familiar with the WT's "history" of the origin of the phrase "God Bless You" ("Geshundeit" in German) in response to someone's sneezing. The WTS says it originated with the pagan belief that the soul leaves the body when you sneeze and the "bless you" is part of a superstition to protect you from demon invasion. Given that background, JW's don't say anything when someone sneezes. For people brought up to belief it's good manners to "bless" someone for sneezing, this is another of those many socially awkward things about being a Witness.

    In the newspaper recently was an article about sneezing, including some related historical facts. According to the report, the term "God Bless You" began to accompany a sneeze in 590 AD when, during an epidemic caused by airborne germs, the Pope offered a blessing to sufferers. Thus was born the custom of blessing someone when he sneezed. It was a good wish, an expression not unlike the bible's "good health to you" found in Acts. The German "Geshundeit" in act means "Bless You." The French use the phrase "Sante" which means health.

    Makes you wonder why "the rest of the story" does not appear in any WT publications. Ever wonder about this?

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie
    Makes you wonder why "the rest of the story" does not appear in any WT publications. Ever wonder about this?

    Never, actually. It doesn't appear for the same reason that no information that could possibly even seem like it's a contradiction to WT dogma ever appears. If you give people more than one piece of information, they are likely to actually think about it. Can't have that, now can we?

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    as a JW; I never questioned anything. I never said "bless you" after someone sneezed.

    Now, most assuredly; I say " bless you" " happy birthday" "merry christmas" " good luck"; etc. I just love being pagan.....

  • simplesally

    I did have friends that said Gezundheidt........but then we didn't know that it meant Bless you! LOL

    I could see them getting away with Sante. But it did irk me when no one said anything when a person sneezed........ I always said, "hope you're not catching a cold" "Not contagious are you......(laughingly)"

    something for them to see that I cared.

    Now, my little girl says "bess you"

  • SpunkyChick

    Willy - those are some interesting tid bits that I'd never known. I definitely say 'bless you' when someone sneezes.

  • shamus

    Be very sure to propose a toast, too. Make it to the Jehober Nitwit in your presence; they'll freak, LOL!

  • Puternut

    Last time I rode a horse, he sneezed and farted at the same time. What do you say in such a scenario?


  • Englishman

    Sneezing was one of the symptoms that you might have contracted Bubonic plague!

    That's why we say "Bless You"!

    Remember the old nursery rhyme?

    Ring-a-ring o' roses,
    A pocket full of posies,
    A-tishoo! A-tishoo!
    We all fall down.


  • teel

    I realize it's a 5 year old post, but the info in the OP seemed really interresting to me, it deserves a bump for us, new ones

    I could see them getting away with Sante.

    In hungarian we say "egészségedre" which also means "health". Guess what: the org forbid that too. I just can't wrap my head around this. The g99 10/22 page 3 is a word by word translation of the english article, with no regard to the fact, that by no means can our language's word when sneezing be called a superstition. Because of that the article talks about "When the english people say 'God bless' they actually ask for God to bring back his soul". So? Why that has any bearing on our wishing someone to have good health? Idiot rule. Obviously no JW here wishes "health" when someone sneezes. It seems so antisocial to me.

    What's funny I can imagine were the english language to have "health" instead of "god bless", the rule would have been to allow for all the world, including where they say "gesundheit". So much for spirit directed.

  • lisavegas420

    awwww....Puternut posted on this thread. I miss him

    and 'bless you'


    for those that weren't here back then...http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/107095/1/List-of-family-friends-lost-to-the-Watchtower-cult-suicides


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